
 Atameken responds to criticisms of employment programmes

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Eldar Zhumagaziev, Deputy Chairman of the Board of Atameken, wrote a post on his Facebook page in response to Gulzhana Karagusova, a member of the Mazhilis Parliament, who recently doubted in the effectiveness of some of the state employment programs.

In particular, she said: "We have continued to allocate Atameken money for training, retraining and issue microloans. How much money was spent on the so-called employment programs, the effectiveness of which we have repeatedly questioned ...".

"Gulzhana Zhanpeisovna probably meant the Bastau project, which has been implementing since 2017, where the unemployed and self-employed are studying the basics of entrepreneurship for a month, developing business plans. Afterward, they protect their business plans before the commission and, if approved, get access to preferential loans (at 6% per annum) and grants," Zhumagaziev writes.

"As part of the program, we have already trained 76,268 people. By the end of 2019, another 40,000 people will have been trained. The program has an indicator - to bring 20% of the trained to funding. As of October 4, 20,298 of them, or 26.6%, had started their own business. 93% of them pay taxes. 620 million tenge of taxes paid in the first quarter of 2019” he wrote. 

According to Zhumagaziev, the total assets of the project participants amounted to 35 billion tenge (the volume of a microloan, on bail). The volume of products and services provided by them amounted to 50 billion tenge, i.e. every tenge of support measures accounted for 1.8 tenge of products/services. "The main share of projects was implemented in the agricultural sector.

We integrate the project participants into the production and supply chains.

For example, Bastau participants became suppliers of processing enterprises - dairies in Kostanay and Zhambyl regions, plant for the production of canned products - in WKR. But since the end of last year, this situation has started to change. At present, the project participants are being reoriented towards opening a business in the sphere of services and goods production. This is a service station, beauty salons, public catering, sewing and manufacturing of products, etc.," Zhumagaziev continued.

"Feedback" is provided - at the stage of training, financing, and accompanying the participants, constant monitoring of the project participant's development, availability of funds, and the need for further growth and expansion is carried out. Our CRM-system will soon be integrated with the databases of the financial institutions. We will train 116,000 people according to the results of 2019, we will create 40,000 jobs. In 2017-2019, we will master 9.4 billion tenge in training. As a result, the cost of one job will amount to 235 thousand tenge. This is perhaps a key indicator of the programme's effectiveness, as Gulzhana Karagusova, a deputy, said. I am grateful for her interest in the fate of the unemployed, most of whom live in rural areas. A team of 600 people (business coaches, psychologists, coordinators, etc.) is involved in the project daily, with clear functionality and indicators. We are very critical of our work because each business project is the fate of a person and his or her family. Not every one of them will be an entrepreneur. The training program is designed so that only the most prepared ones can reach the loans. But those who have not received funding are also grateful to the state for the opportunity to get new knowledge and skills," he wrote.

 In conclusion, Zhumagaziev also spoke about the problems that Atameken is working on as part of the project. "This is the improvement of the training programme, it is being adapted to the requirements of the project participants, to their needs. There will be more practical tasks. We are making an online version of the programme, improving the skills of the trainers themselves and tightening the requirements for them.

The focus of the programme will also shift to accompanying the existing participants in the project. Sales chains will be formed all over the country (solid sales), and only when the project participant is integrated into them will he be able to obtain a Bastau certificate," deputy chairman of the Atameken Board, summed up.


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