
Business community can get acquainted with draft SPIID-3 

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Atameken received a finalized draft of the State Programme for Industrial and Innovative Development (SPIID) of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2020-2025. 

The Government developed the State program of industrial-innovative development of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2020-2025 with a view of realization of a policy of the State outlined in the President’s State of the Nation Address and the Strategic Plan for the development of Kazakhstan until 2025 in the field of development of the processing industry.

The main goal of the programme is the competitive manufacturing industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the domestic and foreign markets. The volume of financing of the program is planned to be 2.1 trillion tenge. 

The main tasks are:

1) deepening industrialization by increasing the potential of industrial entrepreneurship;

2) Increasing the volume of production and expanding the nomenclature of processed goods in demand in the domestic and foreign markets;

3) Increasing industrial capacities by stimulating the development of basic industries and the implementation of strategic projects;

4) technological development and digitalization of manufacturing industries.

The draft SPIID-3 is subject to examination by the Atameken NCE RK in accordance with the national legislation to reflect the interests of domestic business in the program to the maximum extent possible. Taking into account the work done to review the draft program at the site of the National Chamber, the present SPIID-3 project is a finalized version.

The draft Action Plan of the SPIID-3 is available for download on the official resource of the National Chamber.

- Action Plan

- Draft SPIID-3 

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