
Govt to reimburse part of fees to private schools

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The Atameken National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan hosted a meeting on an explanation of the algorithm for placing public educational orders in private schools.

Since January 1, 2020, Financial Center JSC became an operator of the authorized body in the field of education on the placement of state educational order.

As a result, the placement rules have been amended:

- The operator announces the acceptance of applications for placement of the state educational order on its own Internet resource;

- A private school provides an application and a package of documents (a copy of the license for educational activities, certificate of state registration/re-registration of a legal entity, certificate of a second-tier bank account in Kazakhstan);

- Based on the results of consideration of applications, the operator generates a list of private schools to place state orders;

- The private school concludes the contract with the Operator and carries out the educational process;

- The Operator makes monthly payments according to the acts of performed works.

Norms of the maximum size of parental payment for education in private secondary education organizations are approved. Besides, the Methodology of per capita normative financing was amended as follows:

- Determining the norm of depreciation costs for reconstruction - 47 MCI per year per pupil;

- increase of the standard due to the increase in wages from January 1 and June 1, 2019.

- annual indexation of MCI when determining the depreciation component rate for construction/renovation.

A presentation on these changes is attached.


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