
Atameken hosts first meeting of Council on Import Substitution and Export Promotion

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The Atameken National Chamber of Entrepreneurs has hosted the first meeting of the Council on Import Substitution and Export Promotion on February 10, 2020. This meeting was attended by more than 100 leading enterprises in the field of manufacturing industry and agriculture.

"The main task of the Council is to combine the experience of successful enterprises in various industries to develop effective proposals for import substitution in the Government," Ablay Myrzakhmetov, Chairman of the Board of the Atameken NCE RK, said, opening the meeting.

Saidulla Kozhabayev, Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Alageum Electric Group of Companies, has been introduced as Chairman of the Council on Import Substitution and Export Promotion.

In turn, Ablay Myrzakhmetov presented to the Council members the approaches of work on import substitution development.

"It is very clear to businessmen that any project should be based on an assessment of demand and potential sales. Annual total domestic demand in the economy is about KZT50 trillion, the capacity of the goods market is KZT14 trillion. A quarter of this demand or KZT 3.5 trillion is formed in regulated purchases. It is necessary to maximally orient these resources to stimulate business activity and development of domestic production," Ablay Myrzakhmetov said.

According to the Chairman of the Atameken NCE RK, the Project Office for Development of the Economy of Simple Things has analyzed more than 14 million unique commodity items in government and quasi-government procurement. The analysis includes the results of expert assessment and preliminary screening of commodity groups, taking into account such criteria as availability of raw materials, technological availability and availability of demand, a list of 362 goods in the manufacturing industry, the total volume of imports of them is almost KZT4 trillion. It is proposed to focus on these goods for import substitution.

"Work on the search and collection of business initiatives for potential projects has already begun. We have already received proposals from businesses for the implementation of 90 investment projects worth more than KZT500 billion. Such an initiative is pleasing, but at the same time, it is necessary to strengthen the quality of project development. In general, we do not limit the collection of projects on these 362 products. At the same time, the initiators should have a clear idea of the availability of demand and sales channels, co-financing the project, and, most importantly, be ready to take counter commitments in exchange for government support measures. Particular emphasis will be placed on gradually improving the quality of products," Myrzakhmetov said.

According to the Chairman of the National Chamber, monitoring of such counter commitments will be carried out in the Information System "Industry", and the enterprises can register in it (

In the course of further discussion, the participants of the meeting supported the proposed work approaches. In particular, Chairman of the Council Saidulla Kozhabayev urged the domestic businessmen to study in detail the possibilities of establishing new production facilities taking into account the presented analysis of the Project Office and proposed measures of state support.

In turn, Nurlan Smagulov, CEO of Astana Group, noted the need to increase cooperation between industrial enterprises and export orientation to Central Asian countries.

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