
Russia approves rules for transit of goods subject to sanctions

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The Atameken NCE RK informs all entrepreneurs that the Government Decree of the Russian Federation of December 27, 2019 #1877 "On measures to implement the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation as of June 24, 2019, #290 "On Amending Certain Decrees of the President of the Russian Federation" approved the rules of international rail/road transit through the territory of Russia, the list of border crossing points, the rules for issuing registration coupons, requirements for electronic navigation seals, rolling stock.

The Russian Federation has lifted its ban on the transport of goods from Ukraine, including those from third countries that transit through Ukraine to Kazakhstan.

According to Murat Amrin, Director of Logistics and Transportation Department of the Atameken NCE RK, the carrier must deliver the transport details to the sealing operator 2 hours before crossing the border. Otherwise, the customs authorities will prohibit transportation. It is also necessary to notify the Russian customs authorities of the use of the seal at entry.

It should be noted that it is necessary to provide the possibility of installing an electronic navigation seal. After the application, it is necessary to obtain a registration card at a checkpoint on the state border of the Russian Federation or at a stationary or mobile checkpoint, which is certified by the personal signature and seal of the official of the customs authority and the Federal Service for Transport Supervision.

If the rules are not observed, the carrier must immediately take the goods back from the territory of Russia. Under Russian legislation, measures will be taken if a breach of integrity or an unauthorized opening of a navigation seal is detected," Murat Amrin said.

 At the same time, the terms of implementation of the adopted legal acts are disclosed at the moment, as the operator for the application of navigation seals in Russia is not defined. In this regard, the National Chamber sent a request to the authorized body of the Russian Federation to obtain detailed information.

 If you have any questions, please contact the Department of Economic Integration of the Atameken NCE RK +7 (7172) 91-93-73, Department of Logistics and Transportation of the Atameken NCE RK +7 (7172) 91-93-34. 

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