
Memorial Relay dedicated to 75th anniversary of Great Victory. Security community calls to pay tribute to memory of heroes 

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The Association of Security Organizations of the Republic of Kazakhstan has taken up the initiative of veteran public organizations of our country - the Council of Veterans of Internal Affairs Bodies and the National Guard of the Republic of Kazakhstan, as well as the Council of Generals of the Republic of Kazakhstan to perpetuate the memory of the heroes of the war and the labor front to the 75th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War.

For example, the Council of Veterans of the Internal Affairs Bodies and the National Guard is working on the construction of the Alley of Glory, where busts of Heroes of the Soviet Union and former officers of the internal affairs bodies are installed. The Council of Generals of the Republic of Kazakhstan has developed a large programme of activities in connection with the 75th anniversary of Victory.

 Presidium of the Association of Security Organizations of the Republic of Kazakhstan also considered it necessary and appealed to the heads of security agencies, private security personnel, all entrepreneurs - to surround with care and attention of war veterans and labor front participants, family members of the deceased heroes.

To take care of the graves of veterans,  put them in order, and if necessary to establish memorial gravestones and sign in memory of the veterans.

"It is necessary to bring up our children, all the younger generation on the examples of feats, self-sacrifice in the name of a great goal, the heroism of our ancestors,"  Kalinin, President of the Association of Security Organizations of the RK, said.

The participants expressed the appeal at a meeting of the SME Committee of the Atameken NCE RK. All participants unanimously supported the appeal.

And the security community responded to the initiative hotly and immediately. So, Agency BONA LLP and Urpak-A LLP have already transferred on KZT 300, 000 tenge on the construction of the Alley of Glory near the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Globe LLP and Akinak-Bodyguard LLP  regularly provide great assistance to veterans and plan to continue this work permanently. Other security organizations have expressed their support for the initiative of the Presidium of the Association.

The Association of Security Organizations will continue to hold such events.

According to the initiators and participants of the action to the 75th anniversary of Victory, we need this relay in the name of memory, living. "Without this memory, without respect for the heroic achievements of our older generation, it is impossible to build the future".

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