
Atameken launches Operational Headquarters

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Due to the rupture of supply chains under the influence of the novice coronavirus and significant reduction in world prices for Kazakhstan's main export positions, Atameken National Chamber announces the establishment of the Operational Headquarters to offset the negative impact on Kazakhstan's business.

The objectives of the Operational Headquarters will be to mitigate the negative impact on Kazakhstan's business:

  • assessment of business risks and possible negative consequences in the current economic situation: problems in purchasing imported raw materials, equipment and components; access to finance (working capital, foreign currency loan, need for refinancing, etc.);
  • systematization and processing of data obtained from a business on a daily basis;
  • identification of opportunities for business development (sales markets, support measures);
  • development of recommendations for the Government of Kazakhstan based on analysis of business data.

Feedback from the business will be established through the Atameken call-center 1432. You can find a short questionnaire and answer key questions, leave your questions and suggestions here.

The Atameken National Chamber of Entrepreneurs calls upon the business community of Kazakhstan to promptly establish feedback on emerging issues, make suggestions, and report on the presence of risks and possible consequences for your business.

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