
Bakhyt Shalbaev "reliable bridge to the future"

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Tekeli mining and processing complex will contribute to the implementation of the third phase of modernization of the country

Member of the Regional Council of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Almaty region, the chairman of the Council of Entrepreneurs of Tekeli, general director of "Tekeli mining and processing plant," commented on the annual Address of the President of Kazakhstan. According to him, the tasks will serve as a reliable bridge to the future

"The current message of the President of the country poses new challenges to people of Kazakhstan. It is, indeed, a reliable bridge to the future. The development of digital Kazakhstan, creation of an international fleet of modern technologies, further development of research and innovation potential of research and innovation capacities will be a huge step forward. This important document emphasized the special role of the mining and metals, oil and gas industry", - he said.

Mining and metallurgical and oil sectors of the country will continue to maintain its strategic importance for the sustainability of economic growth. It is necessary to find new markets and to expand the geography of supplies. Further development of the industry should be tightly linked to the deepening of complex processing of raw materials, - stressed the head of state.
"Tekeli mining and processing complex, which plans to release the first iron in the spring of this year, not only will provides more jobs, increase revenue, but also will strengthen Kazakhstan's position in the steel industry. The region will receive a new impetus to development. This will be our first step towards the third modernization", - said Bakhyt Shalbaev.


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