
It is important for agricultural producers to feel the support of the state

- Pavlodar Region
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Such an opinion was expressed by the head of the farm "Talapker", member of the Regional Council of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Pavlodar region Amangeldy Beysembinov
"For me, as for a representative of the agricultural sector, it is important that the Head of State in his address paid special attention to the support of those sectors that create the greatest impact on economic growth and employment. One of these industries is the agricultural sector ", - says the farmer.

According to him, the agro-industrial complex of the region has a promising future. There is increasing demand for agricultural products. However, at a special task was put on the farmers - to become the so-called "bread basket" for the production of grain. Accordingly, the emphasis was made on the development of infrastructure for agriculture, science and new technologies, which is of course a positive impact on the development of this sphere of business.

"The state is focusing policy of supporting the agricultural sector. Since January 2016 came into force the Law "On agricultural cooperatives". The regulations "On subsidies" were reviewed, the administrative barriers were also reduced", - said A. Beysembinov.                                                                                        

For example, the farm "Talapker" works in the agriculture market for over 15 years. In the beginning, the main activity of the farm is crop production, over 300 hectares of arable land are available, a small technology, the number of employees amounted to 4 persons. Today, the agricultural enterprise stands firmly on its feet and builds long-term plans. The farm specializes in the cultivation of wheat, breeding of cattle, horses, production of flour, pasta, bread baking. Now the farm has modern technology, large databases, creates all necessary conditions for work and rest of the employees, who are 250 people. There was signed a tripartite agreement on the introduction of elements of the dual training system with a branch of Irtysh district of ​​the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Pavlodar region and agro-technical college.

It is worth noting that all this was made possible by a set of effective measures to improve the business environment. And regional business has great potential for future large-scale development.


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