
Our main task – is to create a comfortable business environment

- Pavlodar Region
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Creation of mass of entrepreneurship is possible upon creation of favorable legal, economic and social conditions and guarantees
"All of this will disclose the entrepreneurial potential of our citizens", - says Anuar Kalyshbekov, Director of the Chamber in the Pavlodar region, deputy of the Pavlodar regional maslikhat, Chairman of the Public Council on fight against corruption.

According to him, of particular importance is the fact that our country during the years of independence has gone through two major modernizations, which gave invaluable experience. Now we face a new challenge - Third modernization for creation of a solid economic base.

The recognition of the leading role of the private sector and entrepreneurship as the main driving force of economic growth is crucial. "With a view to the emancipation of private initiative and creation of mass entrepreneurship it is necessary to continue to provide a favorable legal, economic and social conditions and guarantees for implementation of entrepreneurial initiatives. For example, within a line of business protection and elimination of administrative barriers, the branch of Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Pavlodar region reviewed 70 appeals of business entities in 2016, including 9 applications within "the line of the protection of business rights”, - said the director of the District Chamber of Entrepreneurs.

At the meeting of the Council for the protection of the rights of entrepreneurs were considered problematic issues of three businesses that have been resolved in their favor. As part of the agreement, which was concluded between a branch of the Pavlodar district and the Center for Servicing Population of Pavlodar district, on monitoring of illegal refusals, returns and suspensions of documents entrepreneurs by state authorized agencies, there were identified 10 cases of refusal  and 28 cases of suspensions of document registration in 2016.

Development of the agro-industrial complex gives enhances mass entrepreneurship development. And, as it was noted by Anuar Kalyshbekov, it is difficult to overestimate the importance of this economic sector, which forms the economic and food security of the country.

"There will be reviewed mechanisms of state support with the shift from large agro-formations to support of small and medium farms through cooperation. Six rural cooperatives were opened in 2016 with the support of the branch of RCE in the Pavlodar district: agricultural cooperative "Efrmovsky", agricultural cooperative "Chernoyarsky 2016", agricultural cooperative "Rodnaya dolina", agricultural cooperative "Tauelsizdik 25", agricultural cooperative "Amanat 7", agricultural cooperative "Ertis". All of the above agricultural cooperatives carry out activities in the field of livestock and crop production", - said A. Kalyshbekov.

He also added that strengthening of the entrepreneurial class will allow to increase national wealth and to create a new quality of life of its citizens. "The third modernization is based on our shared responsibility for the well-being of future generations", - concluded A. Kalyshbekov.



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