
Vasily Rozinov: The rhythm of work of NCE did not allow it to become rigid

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The entrepreneur believes that thanks to the creation of NCE, the residents of rural areas for the first time in many years obtained affordable and convenient services

Three years have passed from the date of formation of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan "Atameken". We talk to the chairman of the Regional Council of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Kostanay region Vasily Rozinov about achievements, results of the work, as well as concerns of Kazakhstani people about possible bureaucratization of NCE.

- Vasily Samoylovich, the National Chamber has managed to do a lot. However, businesses estimate, based on the practical usefulness specifically for them. Personally, your expectations of NCE were met?

- I have repeatedly said that if we want to build an effective dialogue in Kazakhstan between business and the Government, we need a clear mechanism. From the time of the National Economic Chamber, I was one of those who insisted on reforming it, expanding powers. As a result, there appeared a law and a powerful structure, which brings together all the entrepreneurs; it has began to work on improving the business climate in our country, to solve pressing problems. And it succeeded in it. NCE acquired the leverage to take the systematic problems of business to the Government level, to point to the shortcomings of various laws.

- What kind of work does the Regional Council do in this direction?

- We are directly involved in legislative work. We study regulations, give our suggestions, comments. Today, "Atameken" has made more than a thousand amendments to the existing legislation, and that says a lot. One should not forget that the Regional Council - is the supervisory authority in the first place, it consists of authoritative people, heads of large companies, who have built their businesses for years. Therefore, they are interested in this process, and therefore their expectations of the Chamber are big. I can say with assurance: experts are working on resolution of our problems, and appeals increase every year.

- On the one hand, business conditions are improving, but on the other – there are more appeals to the Chamber of entrepreneurs. How to correlate it?

- There are more appeals, because problems can be solved effectively. So there is trust, there is a confidence that an entrepreneurs won’t remain alone, if something is threatening business. More than 3 billion the Kostanay Chamber saved for businesses over the years. And only small and medium enterprises apply to the Chamber, large companies also send their lawyers here. The problem is that today the economic situation is not the most favorable in the world. Look, today the time for rendering of public services for businesses has reduced, cut of non-production costs. Is that not a better condition? Those who work in the legal field appreciate the work of NCE. And these entrepreneurs  often address  for help, they are willing to participate in the process of improving the business environment.

- Do entrepreneurs have guarantees that their questions are under constant monitoring?

- The work at NCE is done on the principle of transparency, no problem can be removed from the control until its complete elimination. There are enough problems of this kind. Even last year we analyzed the difficulties that are faced by mining companies. They complained that the changes in the volume of mining is allowed only upon introduction of adjustments to the existing project according to the law, that is entrepreneurs had no chance to respond to changing market conditions - and because of this the enterprises had the threat of disruption of the contracts. We have sent to NCE proposals to amend this provision of the law. In the end, it was abolished. Last year, rural businesses faced the problem of waste disposal. They pay for the removal of solid waste not the factual volume, but at the prices that are spelled out in contracts. There is a difference: is damp a ton on a landfill, or 10 kilograms for the same amount? So far, experts are working on this problem. Furthermore, in the towns and districts of the region there are still no approved standards of formation and accumulation of waste, and Akimats should be engaged in this. Only after appeals to the Chamber, this issues was resolved. At the regional level, rules on the development of standards have already been adopted, our branches are now seeking the adoption of standards in the field.

- That is, the spectrum of the considered issues is quite wide ...

- Absolutely right. There are enough problems in agriculture. The law on agricultural cooperatives has been created, but how to apply tax incentives or to alienate personal property upon acession – it is unclear. The Chamber initiated additions to the law itself, and to the Tax Code. At a recent meeting of the Regional Council we also discussed the issues of public procurement. Why does the organization announces a tender for the purchase of dairy products, but some unknown Russian company wins it, not our win, Kostanay firm that produces delicious natural products? It's nonsense! Today, we must support first of all our producers, and public procurement – is a good tool. But there are problems, they must be lifted, they must be solved. And here is a great deal of work for the Chamber of entrepreneurs. In general, the Head of State is interested in support of the business at all levels, he always says that entrepreneurship - is a driver of the economy, it is the welfare of Kazakhstan. It is no coincidence that the Institute of Business Ombudsman appeared in the country; he works under NCE structure and reports directly to the President. His powers are so broad that they allow to overrule the decisions of state bodies if they harm the business. There appeared an Entrepreneurial Code, which prescribes the rights and obligations of the business. All this work is done by "Atameken" in tandem with the Government. It builds a structure that allows you to reach all businesses - from the capital city to a small village.

- Does support really reach rural entrepreneurs? Is there fear that the large-scale structure of NCE will turn it into a bureaucratic machine?

- The rhythm in which NCE works today, will not let it become rigid, and businessmen themselves will not let it happen. If we talk about the village, it is perhaps the first time in many years that the rural residents obtained affordable and convenient services. In each branch at each mono-town and the district operate business support centers: a person comes, obtains any information or services that interests him. Experts help to compile reports, declarations, to write a business plan, contract. If it is a budding entrepreneur, he will not be left alone until he opens his business and starts to work - this is called the support of projects, and this support is very important, rather than just give out a loan and to report on figures. At the same time no one promises that business is like manna from heaven, it does not develop on its own. It's a big job, a great responsibility, it entails risks eventually. If you do not set goals, if you do not to work 24 hours a day, at least at first, then nothing good will come of it. This should be remembered. And if there is a problem - contact NCE for help.

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