
The case of "four stars"

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Public procurement simply abounds with detective stories in the spirit of Conan Doyle!

The experts of "Atameken" has spent a month to unleash a case, in which intertwined pain, anger, shame, and forgery ...

In May this year of JSC "UMG" held a competition among service providers, arranging recreational holidays for children for workers of the oil company. Competition is competition, and the winner is the one who offered the best conditions. And why anyone should be offended if your package of proposals did not satisfy the requirements of the customer?

But there is a problem: what to do if the requirements of the contest are designed in such a way that ideally meet the particular vendor offerings?

Technical specification contained a specific requirement. The organization, offering services for children's summer holiday, it had to meet the following conditions. The placement of children should be made “... on a stationary base with non-stop functioning, equipped with a video surveillance system around the perimeter; a valid certificate of embezzlement, accommodation of the category at least "four stars" (which should be submitted with the application and a copy of the license / certificate)”.

It's hard to argue against the clock operation. And against the video surveillance too - children's safety above all!

But the requirement of "four-star" facility stumped all suppliers who participated in the competition. It turned out (terrible thing!) That no "pioneer" camp on the territory of Kazakhstan has any stars. There are "republican health" facilities and there are "regional". But no "four-star" facilities. But there is an abundance of them abroad - in Turkey and in Russia, where children's health camps are based aat the hotels. During the crisis, prices have fallen here, the flow of tourists decreased and Turkish and Russian experts in tourism business do everything in order to attract more guests.

After losing the competition, the domestic owners of recreational camps for children, they have tried to challenge the decision of the tender commission. But no success! Lawyers of the petroleum company refer to internal instructions.

Some of the losers, out of habit, addressed to the Regional Party: more precisely, to the branch of "Nur Otan". They reacted to the letter with all the diligence, they were in correspondence with the management of "UMG". But oil companies have been firm in their principles, such as basalt rock. With Olympian calmness they reacted to requests to clarify the validity of the tender requirements, by simply ignoring them.

And then a small miracle happened: the party functionaries, whose opinion we perceive as the ultimate truth, having exhausted all means of persuasion, appealed to the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs "Atameken". The letter got to the destination.

Deputy Chairman of NCE RK Yuliya Yakupbaeva appealed to the leadership of "Samruk-Kazyna" (namely, JSC "UMG" is its subsidiary) to cancel the decision of the tender committee and amend the terms of the competition.

The management of the Fund responded instantly! The address of the Chamber was followed by the letter, informing about cancellation of the tender. Procurement Specialist of the "Samruk-Kazyna" was assured that the next competition will be conducted transparently, and without any legal tricks. It would seem that justice is done ... But!

Re-tender revealed the winner, which was a private entrepreneur, a native of the Republic of Crimea Elena Yakubchik. And all because in the technical specification again was a specific requirement. Namely, the requirement changed to the location of the Camp: by the persuasion of "UMG" it should be ... on the territory of the Sochi National Park!

Meanwhile, the competition was attended by companies, which are able to provide a decent holiday for children of Zhanaozen oil field - LLP “Dreamland Company” and LLP “Tourist”. And both applications have been rejected as their application does not meet the requirements of the location of the recreation area. Why the leadership of "UMG" made this choice? Can it be true or is the beauty of Trans-Ili Alatau, Altai, Borovoe, or the Caspian Sea not close to their heart?

And especially we do not understand their preferences, if we recall the words of the Head of State, recommending the development of inbound tourism. It is no accident that in late May the meeting of the Council of Heads of Governments of the CIS and the Eurasian Intergovernmental Council was held on the territory of Borovoe. I remember, Nursultan even asked the distinguished guests to stay here for the weekend to relax from the state of affairs ...

But, apparently, the children of oil workers (despite the fall in prices and 18 bn. Debt) are used to a different view from the window?

The National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan "Atameken" continues its investigation of the detective story. intends to keep the reader up to date.


So, to be continued?


Alex Bantsikin

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