
"Air Astana" preferred shoes from Monaco to national shoes

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Kazakhstani Footwear Company wasn’t able to win a tender for supply of shoes for flight attendants

At the site of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan "Atameken" once again got together affiliates of "Samruk-Kazyna" and domestic manufacturers to discuss cooperation in the framework of long-term contracts. As you know, in 2016, in connection with the entry into EAEU, Kazakhstan will not be able to give preference to Kazakh content, so now all the subsidiaries of the fund have a task to fulfil before the end of the year, i.e. to conclude the maximum number of long-term contracts with domestic manufacturers. However, despite this, domestic manufacturers continue to complaints on unfair tenders.

" We are trying to work with the “Air Astana” for the third year”. There were small conflicts. They announced a tender for the women's and men's shoes for the flight attendants. We gave them a lot of samples. Unfortunately, they did not like them. While their are sewed according to the state standards. As a result, they have bought shoes in Monaco for 47 euro. I do not say work with us, but work with local producers in Kazakhstan, there around 8-9 companies of such kind", - said at a meeting the deputy director of the shoe company "Samhati" Askhat Issabekov.

However, he said, the airline has announced recently a tender among domestic manufacturers. "We have been involved, but again did not come to a consensus with them", - he said.

Vice-president of  "Air Astana" on procurement Dilyara Kunkhozhaeva commented on the situation. "Shoes for the flight attendants are tested during the flights, because due to the height, the feet of flight attendants swell and hurt. We tested shoes of several manufacturers, the process was a long one, we collected feedback. As for the shoes of your company we had comments, they were given to you. Then a second tender was announced, to which you did not come. One of the main observations was that you had an iron arch support, we asked for a plastic, because otherwise it will ring at the metal detector, "- she said.

The entrepreneur, in turn, said that, according to GOST, the instep should be made of metal. "If you make a plastic one it won’t comply to state standards", - he said.

"In addition to the GOST, we have our own additional requirements. The fact that you meet the state standards is not enough "- said Kunhozhaeva.

The representative of the sewing enterprise "Aziz" in Almaty Saule Kuzekova voiced their problem at the meeting. "Unfortunately, our products have imported components. Therefore, my wish is to revise the prices. The current prices for clothing are very low. We work very hard, believe me, we are working for a minimum profit. Employees of the sewing company are mainly women, mothers of large families, and other vulnerable groups", - she said.

Director of the Department of Local Content of "Samruk Kazyna Contract" Erbol Bekov promised her to consider the proposal so if the company provides its calculation of costs. "Please meet our demands, and we will reconsider contracts", - he said.

The farm "Sagyp" from Palodar area also made an interesting proposal. It turned out that they sent a price quotation to "Air-Astana" for supply of kumys to passengers on board. But we received no response to it. Pavlodar businessmen asked the question whether it is planned to include mare milk in the menu for airline passengers?

"Air Astana doesn’t have its own onboard shop, they belong to the airports. We conclude an agreement with them and they offer us the menu options, products, etc. I think you have not received an answer, because, most likely, we have redirected your letter. I can’t say for sure about kumys are invited to send their letter to the company “ACS”, which is our main supplier. Then we will be together with them to decide what you can do about it", - said Kunkhozhaeva.

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