
Regional map is salvation of business

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The business community of the largest oil and gas region experiences systemic problems. The way out is in planning ...

Mangistau entrepreneurs feel the icy breath of the crisis. At a meeting with the Chairman of the Board of NCE "Atameken" Ablay Myrzakhmetov, the head of the Union of suppliers of Kazakhstan Almas Kudaibergen noted that this year the volume of work in the oilfield service companies fell by 20-30%. There are facts when major oil and gas companies, referring to the drop in oil prices and the lack of money, do not pay to service companies, which carried out their work.

"In our view, it is necessary to establish a factoring company and through development institutions to repay debts to service companies. Today, service companies took loans from banks under 20-25% just to cover operating costs ", - he said.

Advisor to the General Director of LLP "Kezbi" Kairolla Yerezhepov asked the leadership of "Atameken" to support the promotion of oilfield services companies, for which the Chamber should be empowered with the right to monitor the tenders of all major mining companies.

"LLP" Kezbi " is a service company, which is engaged in drilling and workover of oil and gas wells. We are the only company in the country, where the sector employs more than 1,000 people. But today we were forced to send 400 employees on leave without pay. The reason is the decline of orders from the JSC "OzenMunayGaz" and other major oil and gas companies. Of course, each of them have their arguments, all face the problem of falling prices for "black gold". But what should we do? "- Asks K. Erezhepov.

Businesses that are not related to the activities of the oil and gas sector encountered serious problems as well. Director of "Taushyk auylsharuashylygy" Aibek Kosuakov offers to export shubat (fermented camel's milk) abroad. But for this it is necessary to change the current livestock to thoroughbred camels, which doesn’t inhabit the region. In this regard, the Ministry of Agriculture and akimat of Mangistau region can’t help the breeders.

Responding to a question of the businessman, Ablay Myrzakhmetov pointed to the possibility of import of camels from the Emirates.

"But you need to get your projects included in regional maps. Make all the necessary calculations, prove the relevance and the return on the project. Only then, we can talk about the support of the state ... We will help you to find the necessary money for the realization of your plans", - said Chairman of NCE.

General director of "Caspian-Cement"  Burek Kshishtof  spoke about challenges his company has faced in the Kazakhstan market. Cement factory operates more than a year, but already sells its products in the western regions of Kazakhstan, including the construction companies working on the order of EXPO-2017.

According B. Kshishtof, the company invested 200 million euros in the construction of the plant, and, nevertheless, the company is not yet profitable.

"We are simply in a catastrophic situation: we have not earned a penny! “Heidelberg Cement” - is the world's second largest player in the cement production. It has 70 major factories in the world. But his factory in Kazakhstan - "Caspian cement" - is now in the "black list". We are first representation offices of the company, which is not profitable. We not only spent 200 billion euros, we are doing everything possible to save jobs. We reduce prices for our products to a certain limit, due to the imports of  large volume of cement from Iran and Russia to Kazakhstan. The weakening of the ruble also affects it. We ask you to support us and assist us in the sense that the Kazakh construction companies have to buy and to use our products. In addition, we ask you to help us to reduce the tariffs for electricity and rail transport. In this regard, we are ready to sign a memorandum on mutual cooperation with any domestic company", - said General Director of the company.

Ablay Myrzakhmetov recalled that the Government has instructed NCE "Atameken" by December of this year to form a regional map of development in each region - a document that will systematically solve most business problems in the field. He called on businessmen of Mangistau region not remain on the sidelines and take serious part in the preparation of this strategic document, a kind of "business plan" of the region.

"Please take this seriously, because it is very important for everyone. I encourage entrepreneurs to be active, to take part in the survey and express their views freely. The information obtained will improve business conditions in your region. When we will prepare a regional development map, we will explore the markets of China and Russia. Thus, we can get an objective picture of the region, knowing in which region what production has to be launched. Regional map of development is also a powerful tool for attracting foreign investment", - said Ablay Myrzakhmetov.

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