
"Atameken" finds business niches for SMEs in the Caspian Sea

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Akim of Mangistau region counts on NCE RK "Atameken" in support of local SMEs

In 2016 Akimat of Mangistau region in cooperation with the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs "Atameken" will provide support for small and medium-sized businesses. This was announced today by the head of the region Alik Aidarbayev during evaluation at the request of a correspondent of regarding the issue of financial health business in the region. Assessing the situation as a whole, he noted that the share of entities and people in the field of SMEs "is growing, including their contribution to the economy of the region and contribution to the budget". "This implies the positive dynamics. We have no fears that SMEs won’t continue to develop further", - said the akim.

At the same time, there are entrepreneurs in the region, whom the crisis has affected directly.

"Of course, there is a share of SME representatives, who work with major oil companies. And the volume of investment in this sector has decreased", - said A. Aidarbayev. However, he stressed that the loss of SMEs operating in the oil sector will be offset by the search for new business niches. "Non-oil sector, the service sector, this sector is still not fully developed, so SMEs should develop in these areas", - said the akim with encouragement.

He also assured that the anti-crisis recommendations for local entrepreneurs prepare the members of Mangistau Economic Council, which was set up not only for the supervision of the adopted state programs, but also the development of SMEs. "For example, this year, together with NCE RK "Atameken" we allocate 960 million tenge on the development of tourism, and in particular, to reduce the cost of loans", - concluded the akim.

Zhanar Serdalina

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