
Gulnar Kurbanbaeva "tax innovations will hit small businesses"

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Deputy Chairman of NCE RK "Atameken" Gulnar Kurbanbaeva believes that tax rules introduced from January 1, 2016 by the Government - are extremely sensitive for SMEs.

"Every day we receive dozens of calls from entrepreneurs about the draft law on tax and customs administration, which is now under consideration in the Mazhilis. As it was mentioned, we are changing approaches to optimization of tax regimes. But the deputies, which are considering now a law on universal declaration, will be in an awkward position, as none  of these modes will not be canceled. However, in "100 concrete steps" we see that in 2017 will be abolished all special taxation regimes. Let’s define: do we reserve or remove these regimes? If we remove them, thus we increase the tax burden. If we leave them, it is not clear for what reason the biggest army of SMEs in the trade refuses from the patent system? And it is about 300 thousand business entities", - said Gulnar Kurbanbaeva.

The deputy head of NCE, raising the question of the tax initiatives of the Government, to be implemented in 2016 and 2017, stressed that they are taken without the consent of the business. Meanwhile, she said that "these rules are always extremely important for small businesses". The introduction of CMC (cash machines) with data transfer from 1 July this year was not implemented because with 68,000 actual needs there are only 7000.

"Who is responsible for this, business, which has nothing to do with technical support, or the state agency that tried to implement it? And what if from January 1 next year, the list of enterprises will include a few more excise companies? Who and how will cover this work? Why do we adopt rules that are physically impossible to implement? "- this question was posed by the deputy head of “Atameken” to representatives of the Ministry of Economy.

According to her, the same goes for POST- terminals.

"This spring NCE conducted a meeting at the Finance and Budget Committee of Mazhilis of Parliament, during which it was stated that we are technically not ready to introduce such mandatory rules of application of POST- terminals. In the first place, for the "kids" - small shops operating in the regional centers, even though these rules were abolished in rural areas", - said Gulnara Kurbanbaeva.

The deputy head of  NCE also raised another equally urgent question - the introduction of an annual license fee.

"We wanted to increase the tax base, we have not received it. 7000 or more licenses have been handed over. This means that budget has already lost 3-4 billion tenge, including quarterly tax. If this is the result that we wanted to achieve, then please receive my "congratulations", - Gulnar Kurbanbaeva made this ironical remark.

In her opinion, the rules that have already been introduced should be reviewed.

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