
There is a shortage at the labour market of Kazakhstan both amongst “blue” and “white” collar workers

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Today innovative companies experience a shortage of qualified personnel - both workers and managers - engineers.

This was announced during the "round table", which was held in the framework of the international exhibition "Kazakhstan - International education: prospects for cooperation", by Deputy Chairman of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan "Atameken" Nurzhan Altaev.

According to deputy head of NCE RK, it is necessary to train managers – engineers, since without such training companies won’t be able to work at maximum capacity. At the same time, he stressed that "it is necessary to strengthen the personnel issues through training of managers of companies, operating within the SPIID".

"Today one of the main concerns voiced by business is a shortage of personnel both among “blue” and “white” collars. The business community has repeatedly raised the issue of the lack of qualified engineers, managers of managers who can effectively combine management skills with a deep understanding of the technical and technological processes. Meanwhile, none of the universities has such a faculty “Engineering and Business Management””, - said Nurzhan Altaev, adding that in other countries, particularly in Russia, there are training programs for managers-engineers.

As it was noted by the deputy head of the NCE, quite often we face a situation where in order to fulfill the objectives of SPFIID, new equipment was purchased, but there is no one to work on it. Moreover, there are virtually no managers who are familiar with new technological and technical processes.

Chairman of the National Association of Education “SERPIN” Abenov Murat agree with this statement. He said that there is a great need for highly qualified personnel at today's enterprises. He noted that it is necessary to apply targeted approach in solution of this problem address, as each region is different. For example, 9 regions experience a shortage of personnel, and 5, on the contrary,  have a surplus. Moreover, the issue of retraining needs serious eloboration. According to Murat Abenov, there are 500 thousand people with higher education in the country, who do not practice their major. "They need to undergo retraining, it is necessary to organize short-term courses", - said the head of the National Association of Education “SERPIN”.

"Poor career guidance work. For example, in the south of the country, many young people do not know about technical professions", - said Murat Abenov. According to him, the lack of proper funding is often the reason.

“9 per cent of GDP is spent on the quality of human capital in the Republic. Of course, the state can’t provide full financial support, which means that education must be passed into the private sphere ", - said M. Abenov.

NCE Kazakhstan "Atameken", together with the educational holding “StudyInn” with the support of the Ministry of Education and Science of Kazakhstan acted as the organizers of the international exhibition “Kazakhstan - International education: prospects of cooperation”.

The outcome of the event was the signing of the Cooperation Agreement between NCE RK "Atameken" and the National Association of educational institutions “SERPIN”.

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