
Ablay Myrzakhmetov: "State bodies understand the concerns of business"

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Issues related to the reform of the tax system were area discussed at the site of NCE

These and other questions were the focus of the sixth meeting of the Discussion Club "Atameken", where the experts in the field of economy, entrepreneurs shared their views on the introduction of new tax rules in the country. The chairman of the State Revenue Committee of MF RK Daulet Ergozhin took an active part in the work of the club.

The moderator of the event - chairman of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan "Atameken" Ablay Myrzakhmetov noted that the mission of the Chamber “to become a dialogue platform” is gradually becoming a reality.

"The debate becomes interesting when all parties have different positions or oppose each over publicly. NCE takes part in all the meetings, in the discussion of many issues in the Government, the Mazhilis", - said Ablay Myrzakhmetov.

"Daulet Ergozhin (chairman of SRC) is the first person, who responded to the call and expressed his willingness to come and to express his views openly, to oppose, to listen. We also have a chance to be heard and to convey our thoughts on all of these innovations", - said the head of the NCE.

However, he did not fail to notice that "NCE understands the arguments of the Government in terms of overdue tax reforms (though maybe now it is not the best time for them), and the arguments of the SRC that taxes have not changed since 2009, it is also understandable".

Meanwhile, according to Ablay Myrzakhmetov, "lowering the threshold on VAT is long overdue, but it must be carried smoothly".

In turn, Director of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Almaty Yuri Tleumuratov suggested lowering the threshold for VAT in harmony with the Russian tax legislation. According to an article of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, the threshold for payment of VAT is set at 8 million rubles, which amounts to more than 30 million tenge.

"We are, in principle, ready for dialogue. If you need to sit down and work out the issues regarding administration, we will prepare an action plan. That is there has to be carried out extensive work on the coverage and training, including visit of our employees to all the cities and villages with the explanation of the new tax policy", - said the chairman of the State Revenue Committee Daulet Ergozhin.

According to him, there is a debate when to introduce innovations - from January 1, 2017 or January 1, 2016. "We believe that we should not introduce them earlier then January 1, 2017. Why not earlier? First of all, we have to prepare all systems, so that taxpayers don’t get affected by it. We are ready together with NCE "Atameken" to work on many issues in terms of facilitation", - said the head of the SRC.

"The Government understands the concerns of business. It is very simple just to reject and to criticize. But today, there is a difficult economic situation in a country, and I think that the Government doesn’t have ideal solutions. In such a situation, it is important as today to discuss thoroughly all the pros and cons of the proposed reforms and innovations", - concluded the Chairman of NCE "Atameken" Ablay Myrzakhmetov.

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