
Prices are losing their relevance

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Domestic producers suggest annual review of the prices of long-term contracts 

The National Chamber of Entrepreneurs "Atameken" held a meeting on long-term contracts, providing orders of domestic producers of "Samruk Energo".

The representative of JSC “ALAGEUM ELECTRIC” Serik Zhagaparov, speaking at the meeting, voiced the problems faced by the company, as well as proposals for their solution.

"The main problem is, of course, price. "Samruk Energo" offer rates which have been fixed in 2012-2013. There have been two devaluations. Prices are outdated, unprofitable. All contracts have strict conditions of fixed prices for 5 years. We would like annual review of prices for long-term procurement contracts. We suggest a creation of a joint commission of experts. We are ready to take additional responsibilities. We need an annual indexation of prices", - he said.

"We need to create a joint commission to hold a meeting, to skip all projects, our products, mark ones made in Kazakhstan and buy. On our part, we pledge to give normal market prices. It is already October, the winter is ahead, if we do not act social tensions will increase, especially in the regions, including Kentau. In February and March we already expect it", - added S. Zhagaparov.

The representative of the "Samruk-KazynaKontrakt" Adlet Abulkairov, in turn, noted that the price can vary each year. "You have to apply to the subsidiaries and they send it for revision to "Samruk-Energo".  In a short time we will determine the price. As for the Commission: In principle, we are ready to cooperate, but it is necessary to take into account that not all manufacturers want to provide the estimates. I understand that this may be a trade secret, but we can’t take the unverified calculations. So please go work on pricing, we are ready for a dialogue", - he said.

From August 2014 to May 2015 NCE and "Samruk-Kazyna Contract" hold weekly meetings with manufacturers and subsidiaries. As a result, there were concluded 189 long-term contracts in the amount of 225 billion tenge.

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