
Ivanovo is famous not only for its brides but also for its excavators ...

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Businessmen from Ivanovo, who arrived to Kazakhstan by the invitation of the NCE, didn’t leave with empty hands

Chamber of Commerce of the Ivanovo region sent a letter of gratitude to the President of the Presidium of the NCE RK "Atameken" Timur Kulibayev, thanking him for the opportunity to visit our country.

In late October, Kazakhstan at the invitation of the Secretariat of Commerce of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs "Atameken" arrived a delegation of businessmen from the Ivanovo region for establishment of a business dialogue and partnership. During 5 days the business guests from the famous Russian city visited the cities of Astana, Almaty and Shymkent in order to establish contacts with Regional Chambers of Entrepreneurs,  to visit the companies, to negotiate with the leadership. "We received a comprehensive view of the economic potential of Kazakhstan and prospects of our bilateral cooperation", - wrote in their letter entrepreneurs from Ivanovo. According to them, the information about the visit to Kazakhstan, they have brought to the management of the Ivanovo region and its business, and it has caused a lot of interest on their part, especially from the textile companies. "We hope that the visit will lay ground for fruitful cooperation of Ivanovo and Kazakh entrepreneurs for the benefit of our people and economies", - states the letter.

Among the participants of the business mission from the Ivanovo region - CJSC IC "KRANEKS" - factory for the production of excavators. By the wishes of businessmen from the city of  Ivanovo, NCE has organized a meeting with well-known Kazakh building, cement and concrete, and other companies. "Our products are not inferior in quality to the Japanese counterparts, by the technology of which we operate, and the price is 20% cheaper. We look forward to working with the people of Kazakhstan", - said the head of the company Maxim Kolybelnikov.

The head of the association "Spetstekstil" engaged in the production of medical textiles, the production of innovative textile products, cosmetic textile with encapsulated BAA, met with the leadership of the Kazakh Center for Life Sciences of "Nazarbayev-university", visited the laboratory of bioengineering and regenerative medicine.

The group of companies "Argo", which is engaged in developing, manufacturing and introduction of automated energy accounting systems, lighting control, expressed the wish to meet with the divisions of local state bodies responsible for energy efficiency, the National Chamber of Housing and Construction in Kazakhstan, Union of Power Engineers of Kazakhstan, Kazakhstan Center for modernization and development Utilities.

Cluster textile corporation "Ivregionsintez" producing chemical fibers, held talks with the LLP "Atyrau Refinery", JSC "KazMunaiGas Processing and Marketing", LLP "Kazakhstan Oralneftehim Ltd." about possible deliveries of terephthalic acid to the Ivanovo region.

There were also held meetings with the companies - producers and suppliers of agricultural products (vegetables, fruits, etc., fresh and dried) and food (confectionery, groceries).

"Warehouse complex Ivanovo" offered its services in the presence of Kazakhstani producers of food and household goods, wishing to rent warehouses in their city, they are ready to help them in this.

“Our region is a kind of logistics hub in the Central Federal District. We have rail, road, air and water transport. We have a developed transport infrastructure, which enables the logistics of goods across the state, including transit and transportation to Europe “, - said Leonid Ivanov, the President of the Chamber of Commerce of the Ivanovo region.

Following the meeting, the sides exchanged contacts and expressed the hope to strengthen the mutually beneficial relations.

“Chamber of Commerce of the Ivanovo region for its part is ready to make all necessary efforts to further develop the contacts established during the business mission to Kazakhstan, and incase of the interest of  NCE RK “Atameken” to host a delegation from Kazakhstan or a sectoral business mission”, - summed up in the conclusion of the letter the head of the Chamber, Leonid Ivanov.

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