
"Platon” is my friend but the truth is more important

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A new system of charges was introduced in Russia, which discriminates the rights of carriers

On 15th of November in Russia was launched a new system of charging "Platon", according to which charges will be imposed on all carriers, who use the routes of federal significance, including non-residents of the Russian Federation.

This innovation was introduced in order to redress the harm caused to federal highways by vehicles, having a maximum permissible weight of over 12 tons.

Currently, carriers pay 1.53 rubles per kilometer, but according to the new rules, from spring of the next year the Russians intended to increase the rate to 3.73 rubles.

However, domestic carriers have been complaining about the problems associated with the launch of a new system of fees. Thus, the Union of Road Carriers of the Republic of Kazakhstan "KazATO" appealed to NCE RK "Atameken", describing a number of obstacles due to the introduction of "Platon".

As it turned out, domestic carriers have constant problems in terms of the lack of opportunities in entering the bank account details, problems with the registration on the website of the system, failures to process a payment with the use of E100 card, error upon confirmation of a payment and so on.

Similar problems are faced by Russian truckers, who have organized protests. Thus, according to Russian media reports, Dagestan truckers threatened on 30th of November to march to Moscow in response to the introduction of the system "Platon".

In addition, when driving without payment of a fee for the use of the federal highway, a huge fine is levied on violators in the amount  of 2 million tenge (450 rubles). However, due to the imperfections, the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation informed that fines won’t be levied on Russian carriers temporarily.

But Kazakh carriers, which, because of the geographical position are forced to follow through the territory of the Russian Federation when transporting goods, including through the federal highways.

According to NCE, the global economic situation, the devaluation of the national currencies of the EAEU, the problems with the transit of goods, as well as other factors negatively affect the domestic road transport, the introduction of fees for travel, and fines solely on foreign carriers, all these puts domestic carriers in unequal competitive conditions and create a barrier to the international carriage of goods on the territory of the Eurasian Economic Union.

In this regard, NCE RK submitted to the Ministry of Investment and Development of the RK an appeal on the need for early resolution of this issue.

For example, "Atameken" offers to introduce temporary exemption from fines for foreign carriers, who follow through the federal highways of the Russian Federation, as a result of non-payment due to the imperfections of the system.

Also, according to NCE, the system must be launched in a pilot mode with the possibility of cash payment for a route.

In case of questions regarding the work of the system, please contact the Department of Economic Integration NCE RK "Atameken".

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