
Chemistry wise it is hard to catch up with Taraz

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Zhambyl region intends to heighten its leading role in the development of the chemical industry

A special economic zone "Chemical Park" Taraz" is created in the region with the participation of the State Fund "Samruk-Kazyna", which will implement new projects in the chemical industry.

This was announced today at a briefing at the Service of Central Communications by Akim of Zhambyl region Karim Kokrekbaev. "The investment will amount to 128 billion tenge, the opening of the SEZ will create 970 jobs", - said the Akim.

In general, C. Kokrekbaev noted that the chemical industry "is the dominant industry in the region". The only city-forming enterprise is LLP "Kazphosphate", which produces up to 27 industrial products in the region, its share in the national chemical production, according to the Akim, is up to 40%.

Along with this right now in the Zhambyl region are being implemented 14 investment projects worth 3.1 billion dollars. Among the biggest Akim called the construction of a plant for production of mineral fertilizers, with a total investment of 2 billion dollars and the planned creation of 2 million jobs.

Several projects will be launched within the Industrialization Map and state program "Nurly Zhol", in particular, it is the production of phosphoric acid. The project is worth 7 billion tenge.

The Akim also said that recently at a meeting of the Business Council in Beijing was signed a four-party memorandum on the construction of a mining and processing plant in Kordai district of Zhambyl region in the amount of 2.3 billion dollars. According to K. Kokrekbaev, 900 million dollars will be invested in the first phase of construction. "Around these projects are "EuroChem", Chemical Park of "Taraz", there will be created industrial zones, where will work 100 business entities", - assured the Akim.

We add that we are not going to stop on these, we plan to attract new foreign investment, we have sent 150 proposals for potential investors from China, Western Europe, USA, South Korea, Turkey, Russia.

Assessing the investment activity of Kazakhstani companies in the region, Karim Kokrekbaev noted that it is quite high. As an example he named the company "MoinkumAgro", which used to buy in Russia 5000 heads of cattle. "We opened a radiator plant in Taraz last year, we also produce polyethylene. Opening of the chemical plant "Taraz" envisages the construction of five plants in the future", - concluded the Akim.

As for the region's contribution to the program of industrial-innovative development, K. Kokrekbaev added that it included 60 projects. Of these projects, 33 projects were successfully implemented in the first five-year plan, there were created more than 5,000 jobs, there were produced products worth 143 billion tenge. It is planned to launch 27 projects worth 551 billion tenge diring the second five-year plan, which will create more than 5,500 jobs.

Zhanar Serdalina

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