
Teodor Kaplan: "Why are we so kind ?!"

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Secretary General of the Union of the international road transportation of Kazakhstan said that MID RK gives 30 million euros of Kazakh content to the Belarusian carriers

The final meeting of the Committee of logistics and transportation of the Presidium of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan "Atameken" was held in 2015 in Astana. The reports of the relevant body were presented, as well as its structural subdivions.

Member of the Presidium of NCE RK "Atameken", the chairman of the Union of Transporters of Kazakhstan, President of the National Company "Kazakhstan Temir Zholy" Askar Mamin in his speech announced alarming figures. "This has never happened: freight turnover fell by 12%, the volume of exports decreased by 25 %. This is due to unfavorable market conditions for our main export commodities, such as iron ore, we can observe decrease in energy products and coal supply",- he said.

However, Mamin said that the state pays great attention to the development of transport projects, the reconstruction of the road network. Thus, according to him, 7 thousands of km of roads will be repaired in the next three years. The head of KTZH noted that we are working on major projects such as the railway station and the new international terminal in Astana, the second railway route Almaty-Shu, the construction of a new port "Kuryk" and others.

Heads of the subcommittee have raised basic problems of the industry. Kaplan raised the issue of local content in the international road transportation. "You all know that the President of our country Nursultan Nazarbayev has set an objective for transporters of Kazakhstan - to bring by 2020 the Kazakhstan's share in the total volume of international road transportation to 50%. Unfortunately, the unsatisfactory transport control has led to the fact that Kazakhstani carriers transport only 34%", - he said.

Kaplan said that for unknown reasons, when Kazakhstan needs 1000 Belarusian permission forms for transportation of goods to (from) third countries, the Ministry of Investment and Development decides to give the Belarusian side 4000 permission forms. "That is the ministry with its own hands gives 30 million euro of Kazakhstani content to the Belarusian carriers! I understand the position of the Ministry in this regard. This is despite the fact that we are all talking about the system of parity exchange of permission forms",- he said.

The secretary general of the Union of international road transporters raised the question of flawless execution of the requirements of the Union Treaty. "On 29th of May last year our presidents signed the Union Treaty, which provides for determination of the order of the vehicle (automobile) control, which clearly sets out the algorithm. What is the essence of this requirement? First of all, the offender can’t enter the territory of the EAEU. Each offender is given a notice, which irregularities he must eliminate that were detected upon the entrance to the territory of the Union. The obligation of the violator is to find a vehicle control post, there is no need to run and to catch. If he did not do it, then it is an emergency, then we must take actions",- said Kaplan.

First Deputy Minister for Investment and Development of the RK Zhenis Kasymbek commented on the voiced problem this way: "This issue will raised on during the meeting with the Prime Minister. We plan to find a common solution to resolve this problem", - he said.

The Chairman of the Union of Kazakhstan Auto Transporters Serik Aliguzhinov Avtotransportnik, in turn, noted that the main requests of motorists are in need of state support in the issue of fleet renewal, radical changes in tax laws and other regulations of the industry. "In Kazakhstan, more than 60% of freight and passenger transport fleet belongs to individuals, and all of them, thanks to the smooth admission, are involved in the transport process. The basic conditions on the market create the opportunities to work by gray schemes of tax evasion. And, most importantly, it seriously hampers the development of the industry. We need effective measures to address these problems. Legal regulations of the organization of freight traffic should necessarily take into account the possession by carriers of technically serviceable vehicles, the production base for the timely maintenance and repair, medical control of drivers and so on. Our association is preparing an action plan to resolve the crisis of the industry", - he added.

The Member of the Committee of logistics and transportation, general director of the Union of Transporters of Kazakhstan “Kazlogistics” Kanat Almagambetov in his report touched all industries. He also gave a few suggestions.

"Next year reorganization of NCE is expected, it is assumed that the secretariat of our committee will be abolished and a part of its functions will be transferred to the Union. This will seriously complicate our efforts to address problematic issues. The experts of the Union must be at least formally part of NCE. There were also put forward a proposal for consolidation of associations through the merger. We believe these initiatives are premature. Until full settlement of all the issues of transport and logistics within the framework of national legislation and the Customs Union, voice and opinion of each association should be important", - he said.

According to Almagambetova, in terms of improving the regulatory legislation in the field of railway transport in 2015, there has been conducted work to incorporate the amendments to protect the interests of domestic train operators. In order to develop forwarding and operator activity in the market railway services will be removes barrier that infringe the rights of entrepreneurs.

In the aviation industry, as it was noted by the Chairman of the Subcommittee of Civil Aviation Bolat Nauryzaliev, were introduced amendments to the Law "On State Border", which exclude the gratuitous use of the services of the state aviation airports. In addition, there were introduced changes to the rate of the elimination of fees for certification for small aircraft.

Almagambetov also said that Kazakhstan has applied to the International Maritime Organization for the inclusion of the country in a white list. "For support and development of sea and river industry, there were made changes to the legislation. From 1st of January 2016 shipowners will be exempt from corporative income tax. The Labour Code introduced Article 142 on the regulation of seafarers, which will be effective from 1st of January 2016. There were sent proposals to reduce the tax burden on river navigation", - he added.

Once all the reports were presented, the members approved provisions on the subcommittees of the Committee of the Presidium of logistics and transportation NCE RK, the committee's work plan for 2016. After that the best members of the committee were awarded with medals and diplomas.

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