
Potato breeder decided to resolve problems of the industry

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Why does Kazakhstan import potatoes, if national production exceeds twice?

The National Chamber of Entrepreneurs "Atameken" held a meeting of the newly created Union of Vegetable and Potato Growers of Kazakhstan. The representatives of farms from across the country gathered to solve the problems of the industry. The representative of the peasant farm "Paromonovskoe" and concurrently the head of the union Kayrat Bisetaev in his report outlined the main issues on which the public organization should focus.

"The first – potato breeders and vegetable growers, who work using irrigation technology, have high productivity. This is the main question that raises the President of Kazakhstan today. Labour productivity in the potato cultivation is at least 10 times more than the overall crop production in Kazakhstan. For example, in vegetable production each worker produces vegetable worth 3 thousand dollars, in potato breeding at least 40 thousand dollars. There are farms which make 80-90 thousand dollars. Today, those who make the decisions, should be differentiated. Growers, vegetable growers are an elite agriculture", - he said.

An important issue, which should raise the Union, according to Bisetaev, is potato imports to Kazakhstan. "China, Pakistan, Iran are regular exporters to our market. Last year, it was Russia due to exchange rate differences, this year in connection with the entry of Kyrgyzstan to EAEU, we have completely lost the south, because of this serious price difference", - he said.

"As far as I know, today there is no single organization that would monitor this point. If you believe the statistics, we have double overproduction of potatoes. We produce 3.5 million tons. That is there is no logic there: we ourselves overproduce, but our market is completely open market for imported potatoes", - said the head of the Union.

Bisetaev considers that in the light of the law on cooperation in agriculture, we can also raise the issue of potato processing in Kazakhstan. "I think today we can consolidate and work out some kind of proposals for the Government on how to build a plant in which we, as manufacturers, will be just shareholders, the main share will belong to investors", - he suggested.

The head of the union tried to dispel possible doubts of fellow growers on the effectiveness of trade associations. "Many people have participated in various associations and other public associations, and often receive an unpleasant experience. The main problem of association is that its members always hope for others. We elect someone, then hope that this person will be doing something, thus,  we meet once a year and listen to the report. It is a complete fallacy. If all members of the association will be actively involved, it will work", - he said.

"NCE has a status now that no decision of the Government, no legislative initiative, no order of the Minister is approved without the consent of NCE. During the stage of development of a draft law, we can send an expert who will participate in the working groups and defend our interests", - he said.

Those present at the meeting, potato breeders have offered to meet once a month at the site NCE with the participation of Vice-Minister of Agriculture. "We can organize it easily. But this should not just end up with criticism. Criticizing, please suggest changes", - responded the Secretary of the Secretariat of the Committee of agribusiness NCE RK Rustem Kurmanov.

"As for state support. Since 2016, in fact, we won’t have subsidies per hectare. In particular, for potatoes, vegetables. There will a full vacuum. It was decided to transfer money to financial instruments. (...) At the same time, it is absolutely unclear which technology will be applied for potato breeders, which limits. We need to understand in general, what technique will be subsidized, which equipment will be suitable for, what percentage will be the compensated. There isn’t anything now, we must consolidate everything and provide it to the Ministry of Agriculture. Let's by the results of the meeting will send a protocol with proposals to the ministry", - he said to the participants of the meeting.

If said than it should be done. Entrepreneurs did not just sit and discussed, but developed specific proposals. Further, it is for the state to decide.

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