
The world's largest retail chain Wal-mart is interested in Kazakhstani products

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The National Chamber of Entrepreneurs "Atameken" signed a memorandum with the Chamber of Commerce of the United States

"In December last year, a delegation from Kazakhstan went to the United States. The delegates held meetings with American businesses in Washington. They have a very great interest in the Kazakhstani market. We invited a number of companies to visit Kazakhstan during 2016. In particular, in March, the representatives of the world's largest retail chain Wal-Mart will pay a visit. We met with them in Washington and invited them to Kazakhstan. They are interested in Kazakhstani food products for distribution via their networks. This is a network #1 in the world. If they buy food products in Kazakhstan, it will entail the development of agricultural business, because Wal-Mart is working all over the world, it is present in all developed countries", - said the Deputy Chairman of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs "Atameken" Nurzhan Altaev.

According to him, NCE RK "Atameken" signed a memorandum with the Chamber of Commerce of America, whose members promised to visit Astana in the spring. "We will work with the final target to involve US businesses in non-raw sectors of Kazakhstan’s economy, as it was before, but in agriculture, food industry and so on. And it is good that they come to us", - said the representative of NCE RK.

In addition, Altaev said that just yesterday he held a meeting with a large Uzbek company "ALIFAR AGROIMPEKS", which is engaged in the supply of fruits and vegetables abroad. "They talked about the fact that now Kazakhstan offers an ideal investment climate that is it is more profitable to build a business in Kazakhstan rather than in Uzbekistan. They are interested in the four regions of Kazakhstan: South Kazakhstan region, Zhambyl, Kyzylorda and Almaty. They want to grow fruits and vegetables at the plantations and to export them abroad. We believe that they made a right choice by addressing to the National Chamber "Atameken". We are going to help to establish businesses in the regions", - he said.

"There is a request of the President that we should as much as possible attract investors to the market of Kazakhstan. NCE sets it as one of the most important tasks for 2016. We are working with the USA, China, Russia and other neighboring countries", - concluded the Altaev.

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