
"Government and business must be solidarity in the issues related to the health of the nation"

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The development of PPPs in the health sector plays an important role

The Secretariat of the Committee of pharmaceutical, medical and health care industry presented to the Chairman of the Presidium NCE RK "Atameken" Timur Kulibayev the results of the work in 2015.

There was adopted a number of systematic measures to protect the interests of domestic producers. So, there were introduced effective mechanisms of conclusion of long-term contracts for supply of pharmaceutical and medical products, as well as their storage and transport in the public procurement system, there were introduced elements for stimulation of good pharmacy practices, there were expenses of domestic enterprises during registration and examination of products. The entrepreneurs also have the opportunity to locate medical offices in residential, public buildings and spaces adjoined to them, in some regions citizens can be attached to a private health care organization to obtain health services, there was reduced the number of inspections of entrepreneurs within the framework of the provision of SGBP services. Rights of entrepreneurs are protected in relations with public authorities in particular cases.

During the meeting were discussed topical issues of implementation of the law "On compulsory social health insurance" (adopted within the framework of the implementation of the Plan of the nation, the program "100 concrete steps," President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev).

"It is necessary to determine the expected positive effects for both the state and private health care organizations from participation of the private sector in the provision of health care services in the system of mandatory social health insurance, and fully support the business in the new environment", - said the Chairman of the Presidium of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs Timur Kulibayev.

The head of NCE focused on the importance of the introduction of e-health and the integration of information systems of private health care organizations with the subsystems of the Unified Health Information System.

The Chairman of the Board instructed to make a series of measures under the current mechanism for the transfer of health facilities in asset management, taking into account the proposals of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs and medical teams, given that "the institution of a public-private partnership plays an important role in addressing common challenges of business and Government".

Summing up the results of the work of the National Chamber in the health sector, there were identified priorities for further work of the Committee of pharmaceutical, medical industry and medical services NCE RK "Atameken", in particular, to ensure the active promotion of the private sector in achieving the strategic goals of the health care industry, involved in the development of an effective system of mandatory social health insurance, where joint responsibility of Government, business and public for the health of the nation increases.

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