
Women can do anything!

- Mangistau Region
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Goods made by ​​women entrepreneurs are successfully sold at the outlets, created within the projects "Universal store KZ" and "Made in Kazakhstan"

This was stated by the chairman of the Council of Businesswomen under RCE Saule Salikhova at the platform of Mangistau branch of the Service of central communications.

Clothing for pregnant women under the brand "Daria", who is a member of the Council of Businesswomen and head of the business entity "Zhekenova", is sold now at the first store of the "Universal store KZ" in Astana. Footwear under the brand "Sharkey" (loafers) made by Aktau factory "Zhamal Ai" gradually win the Kazakhstani market, and they plan to export their goods to Russia. Sportswear “DOMA DOMA”, made by the company under the same name, which previously manufactured goods in China, shifted its production to Aktau garment factory. These and other issues were successfully resolved thanks to the active promotion of the Council of Business Women.

According to the Chairman of the Council of Businesswomen of Mangistau region Saule Salikhova, the Council works not only at the regional center, but also in the districts. Currently, the branches of the Council of Businesswomen are established in Karakiyan, Tupkaragan, Munaily districts of the region, at the stage of formation in Mangystau, Beineu districts and in the town of Zhanaozen.

"The Council of Businesswomen – is a new platform for women's initiatives and women's entrepreneurship development, which systematically and purposefully promotes women's self-organization, enhance its role in the economic, social and spiritual life, development of its leadership and women's initiatives. The Council of Businesswomen prepares to hold meetings with women physicians, stylists, designers, psychologists and youth initiative groups", - she says.

Members of the Council of Businesswomen unanimously helped low-income families by giving 200 gifts for the New Year, it's fruits and sweets for the regional children's boarding school in the village Zhyngyldy of Mangistau district. Another 18 children from poor families have participated in the two-day entertainment show for children “FASHION BEATS FOR KIDS”, with participation of the famous acrobat Murat Muturganov. They also organized a charity dinner for veterans in honor of the 40th anniversary of the establishment of the Aktau City Council of Veterans of the Second World War.

"It is aspiring that businesswomen in our city, despite all the difficulties of the present time, suggest high level business projects, which the population needs. We hope that, thanks to the work of the Council of Businesswomen of the Chamber of entrepreneurs, the number of companies that are headed by women entrepreneurs will increase, and the Council will have full support for those who want to start their own business ", - said the head of the Council of Businesswomen to the reporters.

Speaking about problems of development of women's entrepreneurship in Mangistau region, Saule Salikhova noted that there are still administrative barriers, the lack of initial capital, leasing and mortgaging of property also do not allow many women to be financially independent. Unfortunately, there is no business education, the majority of women do not know how to open a business, as they are not sufficiently aware of the measures of state support. There are problems such as the lack of acceptance of women's entrepreneurship by society and gender discrimination.

Thanks to the support of the Council of Businesswomen, we are creating the association of craftswomen of Mangistau region. Issues of roadside businesses remain actual along the road "Aktau-Atyrau" with the involvement of the microfinance organization "Atameken" and the development of craft industries, bakeries, sewing industries. Moreover, all projects must be realized exclusively in the rural districts, as the city has everything almost you may need.

"It is planned to conduct a series of seminars entitled "Success Story" on a personal example of successful women entrepreneurs, creation of artisan cooperatives of women with disabilities. Together with NCE, we develop a program “GO WOMEN” with 20 business projects, which were adapted for Mangistau region. All this will lead to an increase in the number of women entrepreneurs and create new jobs", - summed up her speech in front of reporters the head of the branch of RCE Saule Salikhova.

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