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Representatives of NCE RK "Atameken" briefed on the results of work in development of agricultural cooperation in the regions of Kazakhstan

Since January 1, 2016 in Kazakhstan entered into force the Law of RK "On agricultural cooperatives", which provides the basis for the economic unification of various agricultural producers in cooperatives.

Under the new law, NCE RK "Atameken" and the Ministry of Agriculture signed a Joint Action Plan for the development of agricultural cooperation with specific deadlines.

As it was reported by the head of the secretariat of the Committee of agribusiness NCE RK Rustem Kurmanov, speaking at a briefing at the Service of Central Communications, before the end of 2016, NCE together with the Ministry of Agriculture plans to organize the activities of more than 10 pilot cooperatives, followed by cascading of good practices across the country.

"For example, 55 small cattle breeders in the village Araltogay of Ayteke Bi district of Aktobe region united in the agricultural cooperative "Rahat +" for the organization of grazing, improve breeding by purchasing breeding bulls, centralized fodder and selling young animals (calves) at a bargain price to fattening sites. Joining together in a cooperative, participants will be able to receive state support measures on the selection and breeding work, compensation for investment subsidies for watering of pastures, etc.", - he said.

According to Kurmanov, more than 40 farms of Merke district of Zhambyl region united in society "Merke Onimdery" for the collection and centralized sale of raw milk to LLP "Merke Cheese Factory", preparation of fodder, veterinary services. This will increase production capacity and improve the quality of raw milk. In the future, members of the cooperative plan to increase the number of dairy cattle due to its acquisition within the program "Yrys", implemented by the Fund for Financial Support of Agriculture.

"In Taiynsha District of North Kazakhstan region, the issue of creation of an agricultural production cooperative for the production and the guaranteed sales of oilseeds to the Kazakh-Chinese joint venture LLP “Total Impex” is being discussed. LLP is planning to organize the processing of oilseeds in the amount of 100 thousand tons of rapeseed. LLP “Total Impex” is ready to provide preliminary financing to farms for spring sowing campaign, seeds, and, if necessary, to organize services of machine and tractor station", - he said.

Rustem Kurmanov stressed that the development of agriculture and processing industry is the priority of the Chamber, so the leadership of NCE put a task to regional chambers of entrepreneurs to be actively engaged and support all manually created cooperatives in the regions. "Atameken" pursues an ambitious goal to create 100 agricultural cooperatives. To do this, we can attract financial resources of the fund "Almex-Baiterek" or means of micro-credit organizations, which are now being created in the regions with the participation of NCE RK "Atameken", - he concluded.

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