
The US experience in development of youth entrepreneurship

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A round table on support of youth entrepreneurship was held at NCE RK "Atameken"

In a video format, the event was attended by members of Regional Chambers of Entrepreneurs, as well as more than 170 young businessmen. Furthermore, the meeting was attended by representatives of the US Embassy, ​​the Ministry of Education and Science of RK, EDF “Damu”, Alma University and other organizations.

The reports on the experience of the United States in support of youth entrepreneurship were presented during the meeting, as well as measures of support on behalf of NCE RK "Atameken", in particular, non-financial support and micro-loan program of the Chamber.

Director of the Department of Service Support for Business NCE RK Bagdat Telebayev listed the main tools of non-financial support, which suggests "Atameken". For example, he spoke about the "Business School", which includes components such as the "Business Advisor" - short-term training on opening of a business; "Business Growth" - a program aimed at transmitting knowledge to develop skills that will effectively manage all types of resources; as well as learning based on the principle of mentoring - training program for specific types of projects and their support.

The expert of the public fund for support of social initiatives and youth entrepreneurship “SANA Eurasia” Dmitry Savelenko, in turn, said that in the US, as well as in Kazakhstan, youth entrepreneurship is not put into a separate category, however, it is developed through the support of small and medium-sized businesses. According to him, about 24% of the economically active population of the United States is young people, about 6 million young people are engaged in business. In the United States there are more than 40 different programs to support entrepreneurs. In particular, businesses are supported through business training and development programs (The Center for Entrepreneurship); business space at universities (business - campuses, discussion clubs, consulting organizations and so on.); funds (corporate, venture, charity, fund raising, crowd-funding); business Angels; as well as business incubators and accelerators.

The round table was held in the active mode: the participants not only asked questions, but also voiced specific proposals to address the problems faced by the youth business.

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