
NCE told the senators how it helps business

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The lack of competence, lack of access to financial resources and complex procedures - these are one of the main problems on which entrepreneurs complain, coming to NCE

This was announced today by the deputy chairman of NCE RK "Atameken" Tulemis Shotanov at a meeting of the Committee on Economic Policy, Innovative Development and Entrepreneurship of the Senate with the leadership of the Ministry of National Economy and other competent state bodies to discuss the effectiveness of the measures of state support of small and medium-sized businesses and the implementation of the Entrepreneurial Code in the Senate.

He noted that today the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs to support business development in the country is working in several directions: provision of consulting services, training to the basics of entrepreneurship, as well as helping to solve the problems faced by businessmen.

"Business complaints on several issues. First of all, it is absence of competencies. We have come to realize that two day training courses do not solve the problem, as they provide only the introductory part. Therefore, in the framework of the Road Map of Employment 2020, we introduced the elements of learning "Bastau". This immersion method in which a business coach literally lives with entrepreneurs, they wrote a business plan, we escort the projects. The pilot project of this program was successfully implemented in the Mangistau and Aktobe regions", - said Tulemis Shotanov.

The second problem, about which entrepreneurs complain, is the unavailability of financial resources. According to Tulemis Shotanov, for its solutions it is suggested to increase the number of micro-credits.

"We are ready to take on the obligations. In five regions we implement micro-credit programs in pilot mode. We give out up to 15 million tenge under 6% to each entrepreneur. 600 million tenge in the Fund of each region. We are ready to distribute 10 billion tenge within the Employment Road Map", - said Tulemis Shotanov.

Third problem, on which indicate domestic entrepreneurs, are complex procedures. The fact is that not all development institutions are represented in the regions and districts. Many businesses simply can’t get the support measures, which the Government provides today.

"NCE has repeatedly raised this issue. There is an understanding on the part of Government and a preliminary agreement that the export component of Kaznex Invest since 2017 should transfer to NCE due to the fact that we have a good extensive network. We see it in such a way that representatives of development institutions will also serve entrepreneurs at Centers for Servicing Entrepreneurs", - explained the deputy chairman of NCE.

In general, he noted that today NCE has its representatives in all 108 regions of Kazakhstan, including single industry towns. If earlier regional centers were serviced by the mobile brigade, now representatives of NCE in each district are present permanently. NCE provides services all year around.

This year, NCE has served more than 54 thousand entrepreneurs out of 30 thousand scheduled. The most popular service, which is provided by "Atameken", is escort of projects.

During the discussion, the senators also spoke about the problems hindering the development of entrepreneurship. For example, a member of the Committee Talgatbek Abaidildin noted critical mass of state agencies that have control and supervision functions, - 61 bodies, which carry out 512 control functions.

Deputy Chairman of NCE "Atameken" Rustam Zhursunov said that currently NCE together with the involved government agencies is working on reduction of the number of control functions.

"Indeed, with the transition to the risk management system, the total number of scheduled inspections was reduced by 45%. This is high indicator. However, the level of unscheduled inspections is still high. And here we are working together with the Ministry of Finance, because one third of the inspections - are tax audits. During the analysis we counted about 28 thousand requirements to entrepreneurs through inspections. For example, an analysis of 19 out of the 17 checklists of sanitary rules identified 4562 requirements! Certain requirements are completely archaic and irrelevant to the present. About 82%", - said Rustam Zhursunov.

Vice-Minister of National Economy of Kazakhstan Aidar Arifhanov assured the meeting participants that the government is also working on reduction of the burden on business.

In general, the senators were satisfied with the meeting and commended the work of NCE on support and development of entrepreneurship in Kazakhstan.

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