
Medicine - in the hands of NGOs

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It is suggested to transfer some state functions to non-governmental organizations in the health care sector

This was discussed at a meeting of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan, devoted to the issues of interaction of state bodies and non-governmental health organizations in the modern conditions.

The participants of the meeting discussed the role of professional associations in the development of clinical protocols, in an independent assessment of knowledge and skills of healthcare professionals and specialists of practical healthcare, further education and continuous professional development of healthcare professionals. Participants also raised the questions about the need to consolidate efforts of professional associations at the stage of transfer of state functions to non-governmental health sector. Particular attention was paid to the problems and prospects of NGOs working in the health care system.

Following the discussion, it was decided to form the Council of the professional associations and NGOs, which will have to develop and to approve a list of state functions for transfer into non-governmental sector, as well as a roadmap for the implementation of the task.

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