
Seniors from Canada will teach us how to run business successfully

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The Canadian company CESO will assist business managers of small and medium enterprises of Kazakhstan in running business

The agreement was reached during the signing of a memorandum of cooperation, which was concluded today within the frames of the program "Superior seniors" between the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan "Atameken" and the Canadian company CESO.

The component "superior seniors" is realized within the Unified program "Road map of business 2020" in cooperation with international foreign organizations. The latter coordinate the activities of the superior seniors that promote the development of small and medium enterprises of Kazakhstan, passing on their knowledge and experience.

As it was stated by the Canadian Ambassador to the Republic of Kazakhstan Sean Style, the company CESO exists since 1967, and now this organization provides its services not only in Canada but also in 120 other countries worldwide. "I believe that for many reasons CESO is an excellent partner of "Atameken". I am absolutely confident that the experts will come and bring innovation to help Kazakhstan business to improve its efficiency", - said the Canadian diplomat.

According to him, expert assistance of superior seniors is rendered to train personnel and to provide practical assistance in solving technical and organizational problems in order to create practical skills to tackle problems of business.

"Superior Senior will advise senior and middle managers of existing small and medium-sized businesses, operating in the priority sectors of the economy, directly at the territory of the premises. The experts will compile their recommendations, based on the analysis of applications, which filled in the participants", - said Sean Style.

Payment of expenses to attract foreign experts within the component "Superior Seniors", as well as travel expenses and payment of services of foreign experts are paid from the republican budget. The costs associated with the stay of experts in Kazakhstan (accommodation, meals, transportation within the country, per diem and translation services) are paid by the entrepreneurs themselves.

During the signing of the memorandum, Deputy Chairman of NCE RK "Atameken" Tolemis Shotanov noted that "along with favorable business environment, effective laws, access to finances, a considerable importance is attached to knowledge and technology".

"I hope that with the help of business missions, which will be organized by the company CESO, we will be able to increase the competence of our business, and all the planned objectives will be achieved", - concluded T. Shotanov. 

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