
"Astana EXPO-2017" saved 131 billion tenge

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The national company made a significant optimization of the budget

The entire functionality of the exhibition "EXPO-2017" will be the same as planned before. This was announced today at a meeting of the Public Council by the Chairman of the Board of JSC "NC" Astana EXPO-2017" Akhmetzhan Yesimov. "We did a lot of work to optimize the project's budget. As a result, the savings amounted to more than 131 billion tenge, the entire functionality of the exhibition will be same as it was planned before", - said A. Yesimov.

The head of the national company also noted "serious activity of potential partners of the exhibition". "In accordance with the registration dossier, which is our basic policy document, approved by the International Bureau of exhibitions, it is planned to raise 147 million euros of sponsorship funds", - said Yesimov.

According to him, “Astana EXPO-2017” has signed agreements and memoranda with Kazakhstani and foreign companies to 100 million euros. In addition, it raised 244 billion tenge of investments that allowed "only at the expense of investment projects to open 5,300 jobs". According to Yessimov, about 10 thousand workers are already occupied on construction sites. Plus, about 30 thousand people are employed in enterprises all over Kazakhstan, engaged in supplying goods and services to the Expo facilities.

Akhmetzhan Yesimov also informed about how to execute the instructions of the Head of State to maximize the local content in the construction of Expo facilities. According to A. Yessimov, to the construction of the exhibition were attracted 256 domestic manufacturers and signed contracts for 35 billion tenge. The total volume of services rendered, the supplied goods and materials amounted to 255.8 billion tenge.

"However, we are faced with the fact that the statutory mandatory participation of domestic companies in large public and quasi-public projects is not secured. With great difficulty we managed to convince foreign contractors to work with Kazakh suppliers. It is clear that now it is even more difficult: Kazakhstan joined the WTO, and to solve this problem, the lawyers of state authorities have to work really hard", - said A. Yesimov.

Then the head of the national company complained that "every year we built dozens of facilities at which somehow work foreign developers, and foreign suppliers".

"On the other hand, we are convinced that Kazakhstan has enough own high-quality products, which can compete with foreign analogs. Construction Expo was a "litmus test", which has shown it", - stated Yesimov.

Background: 84 countries and 14 international organizations confirmed their participation in the exhibition EXPO-2017. 389 days are left until its start.

Zhanar Serdalina

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