
Five countries have received their pavilions at EXPO-2017

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Germany, France, Turkey, Hungary and China among the first will celebrate welcome in party at the premises of EXPO-town

The ceremony of transfer of the premises took place today with participation of the Chairman of the Board of JSC "NC" Astana EXPO-2017" Akhmetzhan Yesimov from the Kazakh side. Member States were represented by commissioners at the upcoming exhibition in the capital of Kazakhstan.

The journalists were able to see how the pavilions look like. This is a huge space, each area is several hundred meters and has a few doors. The color scheme is the same in each pavilion - gray. But this is temporary, because very soon the country's promise to surprise Kazakhstani residents, and at the same time the whole world with its know-how. This means that the pavilions will be changed beyond recognition.

They are empty now, because the technical staff of the member countries of the EXPO-2017 plans to begin its decoration after the New Year. Each pavilion will have its own national theme, in addition, the countries plan to present their national souvenirs and national cuisine.

In addition to the transmission of the first pavilions, today was announced opening of other objects of Expo 2017 - Expo-town with 1374 apartments, Expo Office, building of the Interior department and Energy Research Center. Journalists are also given the opportunity to visit the Expo town, which is a shelter for foreign exhibitors. According to the representative of the management company Galymzhan Karymsakova when choosing furniture and decoration priority was given to the Kazakh goods. The apartments are fully equipped; they have everything for a normal life - living room, bedroom, kitchen and household appliances. These apartments will be rented, and representatives of China and France were among the first to book the "rental" housing. The town is located directly at the Expo, it will be accessible from house to office on foot.

The construction of the new Congress Hall, the five-and three-star hotels, shopping center "Mega plaza" continues.

Journalists were not allowed to the key object of EXPO-2017 - the pavilion of Kazakhstan, because it is still not finished. Recall that the facility is built with the use of glass, which makes it a unique structure. "Astana EXPO-2017" reported that the use of glass with a double layer made it possible to isolate the building from the street noise. Several museums were also opened there - high technology, history of the people of Kazakhstan.

Very soon, Astana will host the meeting of the commissioners of the participating countries of Expo 2017, where will be discussed not only the rules of participation in the exhibition, but also the rules of operation of the pavilions.

Zhanar Serdalina

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