
Not immediately, but in stages

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NCE RK "Atameken" assigns great importance to the upcoming evaluation of state functions

The transfer of state functions in the business environment will not be simultaneous. This was reported during a briefing in the party "Nur Otan" by the expert of the Department for coordination of examination of normative legal acts of NCE RK "Atameken" Aizhan Bizhanova. The expert commented on the forthcoming process of transfer of state functions in a competitive environment. "It should be noted that the transfer should be carried out in stages. Today we heard that there will be four steps of transfer of state functions ", - said A. Bizhanova.

"The first, most probably, difficult stage - is inventory of state functions. The good performance of this work will allow to assess the further work and conduct a market analysis of readiness ", - said the representative of NCE.

The role of the upcoming inventory is also important "to identify clearly and to evaluate one or another way of transfer of functions".

"Our analyst will also undertake an analysis of benefits and costs, as well as compare the cost with that offered competitive environment. In this part we will have a very serious job, it will depend largely, once again, on the quality of the inventory", - summarized Aizhan Bizhanova.

Zhanar Serdalina

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