
The first Kazakh business channel started broadcasting

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Today in Kazakhstan started the first Kazakhstani media business news channel Atameken business channel

This is a new business channel, which has no analogue in Kazakhstan. As says the CEO of Atameken business channel Yuliya Valiakhmetova, ABCTV - is an exclusive supplier of economic and financial news in Kazakhstan.

"The main objective of the new media resource –to inform business community, to provide accurate and timely business information that is necessary for entrepreneurs and business people, who make important decisions. Broadcasting will be conducted in the state and the Russian languages", - said Yuliya Valiakhmetova.

Audience of Atameken business channel - they are representatives of small, medium and large businesses, state officials, in a word, pragmatic people, who value their time and want to get quickly unbiased information, those interested in new technologies and devices.

Television – is the first TV channel on the Internet, which will work in LiveStream mode. Information Coverage - Kazakhstan, EAEU, the CIS and the world. It will suggest analytical programs, forecasts of market behavior, comments of experts and expertise, and much more.

The channel will broadcast from two cities of Kazakhstan: Astana and Almaty. There are two high-tech television studios of the new generation in the business centers of BC “IBS” and Almaty Tower. Studios work in the mode of virtual platforms with the use of augmented reality in ORAD program.

And tomorrow in the test mode, ABCTV will cover in detail the work of the EAEU Business Council meeting in Astana.

In addition, on May 25 and 26 at the site of VIII Astana Economic Forum in the mobile television studio will be taken interviews with VIP-speakers of the forum, as well as all news and events, and all this live on the business channel.

In parallel was launched a new portal, which contains financial, economic, political news: analytics, ratings, conclusions, forecasts, exchange rates, equity markets, precious metals, raw and non-raw material resources, bank news, stock exchanges and companies.

Major Media Partners of Atameken business channel – the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan "Atameken», THOMSON REUTERS - the leading provider of analytical information, information solutions and databases for business and professionals, KASE - Kazakhstan Stock Exchange.

It should be noted that anchormen are not only professional journalists, as well as experts in the field of economy and finance, industry, production and markets, as well as entrepreneurs.

You can watch the following programs on the new channel: "Breaking News with Natalia Spar" - quickly and briefly about the main things, in a precise manner about the most important issues. "Markets with Yuliya Sinchuk" - about the problems of the market and modern trends. "Ordabaev. Actual"- pointed questions of professional experts. "Bolgert. Branches"- analysis and forecasts,"Business without ties with Gulnara Amrenova"- an interview with the leading businessmen of the country. "Business class with Galiya Marat" - about apartments, cars, saloons, restaurants and many other business-class level issues, and much more.

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