
Kanat Sakhariyanov was elected to the position of the chairman of Supervisory Board of Atameken Business Channel

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This decision was taken at an extraordinary general meeting of LLP “ATAMEKEN BUSINESS CHANNEL”

Kanat Sakhariyanov since December 2016 is a Managing Director - Director of the Department of Public Relations NCE RK "Atameken".

K. Sakhariyanov graduated from Law Department of the Kazakh National Academy of Law with honors, before he graduated from the Kazakh State Medical University.

Since 2007 he is included in the registry of the Asia-Pacific corporate juridical consultants , which is annually compiled by the organization Asia Law & Practice (Legal Media Group).
In 2008 he received the degree of International Executive Master of Business Administration (IE MBA) at French Higher School of Commerce (HEC, Paris).

In 2015 he received his doctorate degree in Business Administration at the Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation.
He speaks Kazakh, English, Russian, Japanese at elementary level.
Earlier, He was the First Deputy Chairman of the Board, member of the Board of JSC “Agency “Khabar “, the general director of LLP" Management Company "Kazmedia Center", General Director of JSC "Commercial television channel".


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