
ABC TV is ranked 3rd in the media market of Kazakhstan

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Atameken business channel has entered the top three channels by the number of online citations

According to the research of the Agency of Media Systems, during July 2016 at the news websites and the websites of news agencies, print media and print media websites, on TV channels and websites of television media, Atameken business channel was quoted 4563 times, losing the first and second positions to CTC and 24 KZ.

The rating of quotation in the media is based on a content analysis of the data from the database of the Agency on Media Systems in the industry for the current period of 2016. Base of the sources of AMC involves a specific number of sources, which it monitors.

The first Kazakhstani business channel Atameken started broadcasting on 23rd of May 2016. The main objective of the new media resource is to raise awareness of the business community, the provision of accurate and timely business information that is necessary for business and business people to make important decisions. Broadcasting is carried out in the state and Russian languages.

Followers of Atameken business channel - are representatives of small, medium and large businesses, civil servants. Television – is the first TV channel on the Internet, which works in the LiveStream mode. Information Coverage - Kazakhstan, EAEU, the CIS and the world.

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