
The trading house only for domestic producers

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A new trading house for the sale of goods of domestic producers will be opened in Astana

The goods of more than three hundred of Kazakh firms and companies from 14 regions will be sold at the new trading house "Samgau", the opening of which is scheduled on the eve of Astana Day on July 6th. "All goods and services will be presented with the tag "Made in Kazakhstan" and a national quality mark "Halyk Markasy", - said vice-president of the Association of Kazakhstan commercial enterprises Kayyrly Tauken at a briefing at the Service of Central Communications on Monday.

He noted that the first year will be free for tenants. However, manufacturers will have to purchase a sign "Halyk Markas" for 300 thousand tenge. "Only one time", - assured K. Tauken. He noted that this will allow them to use the mark for free for promotional purposes for two years.

As for the store with an area of ​​5000 square meters, it belongs to the member of the Association of trading enterprises - legal entity LLP "NurBereke-555".

According to K. Tauken, added value for the entire product range will be from 3 to 7%. "Any intermediary margins are minimized, directly affecting the pricing", - he said. The owners of the commercial establishment promise that the companies will be able to open sales offices, to enter into contracts, to negotiate, to place advertising stands. "Samgau" is located at the intersection of highway Alash and Severnoe, near the supermarket "Magnum" on Karaganda highway.

Reference: Association of trading enterprises - this is not a commercial organization, it was established in 1999, has branches in 14 regions of Kazakhstan, as well as in Astana, Almaty, Omsk, Bishkek, Urumqi. Its members are 40 legal entities, uniting about 75,000 individuals.

Zhanar Serdalina

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