
Vegetables – from the fields to the shelves

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Department of SME development NCE RK held an off-site meeting at the markets of Astana "BigShanhay", "Sharyn" in order to expand sales markets for products of Kazakhstan producers

The meeting was attended the director of the market Kayrly Tauken, executive director of the Union of Potato and vegetable growers Zhomart Nurkanov, as well as retailers and wholesalers of fruits and vegetables.

During the talks, it was confirmed that most part of the "soup set" (potatoes, carrots, beets, onions, cabbage) is sold on the markets and the rest gets to the shelves of large retail chains and small retail shops.

During the year, depending on the season, the price of potatoes ranged 3-4 times both upward and downward. According to participants, every day the capital consumes about 145 tons of food "soup set", of which about 95 tons are potatoes. Zhomart Nurkanov noted that the Union, whose members are almost 50 farms, is capable of providing a continuous supply of potatoes year round at stable prices.

So, in order to stabilize the prices of products from the "soup set" on the market, it was proposed to focus the main trade turnover on a few large players, which, in turn, with a minimum premium would be release products to retailers (wholesaler income will be supported by large amounts) .

 This would significantly streamline sale chain as a whole, and would increase the purchasing power of the population at the expense of lower prices.

In general, by the results of the meeting both wholesalers and retailers supported the proposals and expressed interest in cooperation with the Union and thanked NCE RK for support and assistance in addressing issues important to trade.

For support of trade and solution of problematic issues in the industry, please contact the SME Development Department of NCE RK "Atameken".

Reference: According to the data of the Statistics Committee of MNE RK in 2015 in Kazakhstan the gross harvest of potatoes amounted to 3.5 million tons, cabbage - 498 thousand tons, carrots - 520 thousand tons, sugar beet - 146 thousand tons, onions - 685 thousand tons.

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