
Farming with a French twist

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The veterinarian of the most romantic country in the world will consult Kazakhstani rural farmers

The Center of Agrarian Competence of NCE RK "Atameken" continues to conduct workshops for local farmers

Foreign experts in the field of agribusiness continue to attend Kazakhstan by the schedule. They have successfully conducted seminars for farmers across the country. Thus, the expert of livestock unit Kanat Zhangozin invited a veterinarian with many years of experience, a professor of the University of Toulouse in France Muriel Vabres. Mrs. Vabres was engaged for a long time in preparation of cattle for import from Kazakhstan to Europe.

Now her seminars are held in Akmola region, afterwards they will be conducted in Semey of the East - Kazakhstan region.

"In the central part of Kazakhstan, Astana, Almaty farmers are spoiled. That is, for them there is nothing special in the fact that the foreign expert has arrived. And farmers in regions wait for it. Therefore, we hold seminars in the most remote districts of the regions. One workshop will be held even in Zaisan, no expert has ever visited it", - said the managing director of the Center of Agrarian Competence Bolat Seisenov.

According Vabres, on the eve of the last seminar in Akmola region was discussed cattle reproduction. "Basically, the questions were asked by people, who know what’s going on, who face it on daily basis. They asked about livestock in France for comparison. I found it interesting that the local breeders are interested in developing local breeds, in addition to overseas", - she said.

The question what potential for development does the domestic breeds of cattle have, the expert said, that "livestock producers need to try everything and should not forget about anything". In her opinion, it is necessary to develop equally and foreign and local breeds, without putting anything in priority.

Vabres also noted that initially the basic problems of livestock in Kazakhstan, and in France, are the same, the breeds are the same, diseases are the same. Only features of the country, legislation, etc. differ. There is also the question of adaptation of animals to local conditions.

"The basic idea is to find some kind of economic model. The goal is one calf per year per cow. To achieve this figure, you need to consider everything: food, environment health. But it is cost-effective. Livestock must be profitable", - she concluded.

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