
The President instructed to develop cooperation in rural areas

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At the end of the year the Government will present a report on this issue to the Head of State

Today in Akorda was held an extended meeting of the Government under the chairmanship of the President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev. The Head of State gave some orders, some of which were regarding new prospects for SMEs in the country.

"Issues of development of mass entrepreneurship is one of the main priorities. "Road Map of Business 2020" works for more than 6 years, in the framework of it were supported tens of thousands of small and medium-sized businesses in the amount of 270 billion tenge", - said Nursultan Nazarbayev. In this regard, the Government was requested to further develop these programs and "to improve support tools".

Such a measure, according to the President, should be a further expansion of micro-credit programs and the creation of a network of rural cooperatives.

Speaking of which, Nursultan Nazarbayev reminded about the start of the new pilot program "Employment in rural areas" in Aktobe, Kyzylorda, South Kazakhstan, Taraz, Almaty. He noted that for support of cooperative movement will be granted credits for "the creation of small feedlots, dairy farms and small mini-poultry farms, mini-farms for breeding, organization of milk collection points, as well as for the development of crop production".

"We have adopted the relevant law on co-operation. Cooperation should be centralized. We need to create a network of cooperatives in agriculture. By the end of the year I will demand a report from all, I will instruct the Government to take all necessary measures for the organization of cooperatives in rural areas ", - he said.

Another order of the President - the translation of self-employed category of Kazakhstani residents into small business. "So they can pay taxes. It is not unemployment. To use microcredits now and shift them to the category of small and medium businesses", - instructed Nursultan Nazarbayev.

The next task – is to expand the boundaries for entrepreneurs. "I have said many times about the need to apply actively the mechanisms of public-private partnership. At present, there are all the conditions, the legal field. There are positive examples, especially in pre-school education", - said the President of Kazakhstan. Nursultan Nazarbayev said that "business invests itself in construction. "This should be used", - instructed the Head of State.

Additional state aid in the amount of 97 billion tenge will be allocated to support AIC sphere. The President believes that it is important to ensure that agricultural producers had a guarantee of long-term procurement of products at break even prices. "During my recent visit to China, we have reached an agreement on the export of wheat, meat, poultry, vegetable oils, etc. This has never happened before. This new help the development of agriculture", - said Nursultan Nazarbayev.

Additional costs for the state forced industrial-innovative development program will amount to 112 billion tenge. Kazakh President instructed to make sure that "a new five-year plan is focused on non-raw export products". "We need such enterprises. Export potential, high project performance, innovation should be the main criteria for selection of projects", - he said.

Zhanar Serdalina

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