
Bolat Palymbetov: "We should not see a smuggler in each entrepreneur!"

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Wrong actions of customs bodies give reason to doubt the "purity" of their intentions in protection of the public interest, stated the Business Ombudsman

"I agree that the sphere of the customs legislation has to be improved further, it is necessary to minimize the available factors of corruption", - said the Commissioner for Protection of the Rights of Entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan, speaking at a meeting on combating corruption and the shadow economy of NCE RK "Atameken".

On the example of Karaganda region, he stated how hard it is to prove innocence of an entrepreneur to the customs authorities and to overcome the resistance. This in turn entails a loss of time and costs due to temporary storage of property. It is a loss of profit for the business.

Bolat Palymbetov said that he had a personal meeting with the representative of LLP "MSI Rubber Solutions", which imports rods for drilling rigs.

"He marked the relevant classification code in the customs declaration - "part of the drilling or sinking machinery". A zero rate of customs duty is applied for such products. However, the regional office of the Customs Control decided otherwise. This product has been classified by a different code, i.e., as a pipe. Code of the product corresponds to the rate of customs control in the amount of 13% of the customs value", - said the Business Ombudsman.

He also cited another case when customs officials were quite rude to an entrepreneur.

"During a personal meeting, he said that the customs treated him as a smuggler. He said this at the customs office, to what he received the answer: "I am performing the state duty. I collect the money to the budget". "And what do I do? I also pay my taxes, I create workplaces, render sponsorship in their region. I perform the state duty, don’t I? "- outraged the businessman."That's your business", - said the customs officer. "Let's make it a common cause: the budget replenishment of budget, preservation of jobs and businesses", - stated the Business Ombudsman.

According to him, it is necessary to meet more with entrepreneurs more often to avoid this kind of misunderstanding. "It is the wish of the entrepreneurs themselves. After all, such actions of customs bodies give reason to doubt the "purity" of their intentions in protection of the public interests", - summed up Bolat Palymbetov offering to the State Revenue authorities, together with representatives of civil society and business to build an effective system of prevention of corruption offenses, the improvement of customs.

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