
Labeling of fur products has been launched

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On 23rd of September was issued a decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On measures of implementation of a pilot project on introduction of labeling control (identification) signs in 2015-2016"

This document applies to articles of clothing, clothing accessories and other articles of fur.

NCE informs all entrepreneurs, that on 23rd of September this year was signed a Government Decree of the Republic of Kazakhstan, according to which the public authorities have to determine the order of implementation of the pilot project for the introduction of labeling of fur products in 2016.

Earlier Economic Integration Department reported that national RLAs of RK are developed to be incorporated in the Agreement, which determine the main approaches to the introduction of labeling of fur products. The first RLA was signed by the Government, which gives start to all national procedures for the implementation of the pilot project.

The next step should be the adoption of the Rules on implemention in 2016 a pilot project for the introduction of labeling of fur products. The project has been developed and is undergoing approval procedure at the public bodies. According to preliminary data, rules may be adopted in early October this year

It is worth noting that, despite the adoption of the Regulation, changes in business operations will occur only after the start of operation of information labeling system that will allow to place orders on control characters. Recall that in August this year Holding "Zerde" held a contest to determine the developer of the labeling system, and is currently undergoing the procedure of developing and testing software versions developed by potential developers admitted to participate in the competition.

However, we pay attention, that today in all countries of the Union the implementation of the project is on different levels. In Russia and Belarus labeling system is already in place, and entrepreneurs have the opportunity to order and to receive the control marks, Kazakhstan is developing an information system, in Armenia and Kyrgyzstan are held arrangements for the contest to determine the system designer.

Given this fact and the deadline for completion of the project in 2016, currently at the site of the Eurasian Economic Commission is discussed an option on extension of the term of the Agreement on the implementation of the pilot project from 1st of January 2017.

In turn NCE adheres to the principled position that in the draft document adopted at the level of the EAEU, should be incorporated  the norm, according to which by the end of 2017, Member States of the Union will conduct an analysis of the pilot project for the introduction of labeling of fur products in order to determine the effectiveness and appropriateness of the labeling system.

Additionally, we inform on all issues related to the implementation of the project on labeling of fur products in Kazakhstan, entrepreneurs may contact the Department of Economic Integration NCE RK "Atameken" by phone +7 7172 919 373.

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