
The best trading companies of Kazakhstan were selected

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In Shymkent were summed up the results of the Republican contest for the best trade company in Kazakhstan "Sauda Үzdіgі 2016"

The contest was sponsored by the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan "Atameken" and akimat of South Kazakhstan region.

The competition was established by the Association of trading enterprises of RK in 2002 and is the highest mark for commercial enterprises. The goal is identification and dissemination of the successful experience of trading enterprises, the formation of a positive image, the improvement of professional skills and prestige of workers of trade, upgrade of service level, increase of the quality of services in the field of trade of Kazakhstan, as well as identification of organizations applying innovative approaches in their work.

The competition was attended by commercial enterprises of various kinds and all forms of ownership, carrying out their activity on the territory of the republic.

Within the frames of the competition at the site of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of South Kazakhstan region was held a round table chaired by the Deputy Chairman of NCE RK "Atameken" Nurzhan Altaev.

The theme of the round table were the problematic issues of agribusiness, including access to markets for sale of domestic agricultural products and the need for unification of the farmers. They also talked about what it takes to create and to develop an integrated system of procurement, processing and marketing of agricultural products.

So, here are the winners of the republican competition "Sauda Үzdіgі 2016":

Best retail trade of Kazakhstan

1st place - LLP "AS-MAR tasty home", Kaskelen, Almaty region

2nd place - LLP "Anvar", Aktobe.

3rd place - JSC PFC "Atrium", Pavlodar.

Best wholesale company

1st place - LLP "Berkut" Raiymbek District, Almaty region

2nd place - LLP "British American Tobacco Kazakhstan Trading", Almaty

3rd place - LLP "Anvar", Aktobe.

Best trading market

1st place - market "Altai", Aktobe.

1st place - market LLP "Kuanysh", the city of Turkestan, South Kazakhstan region

2nd place - the market "Shygys" Aktobe

2nd place - LLP TPK "Dina", Atyrau

3rd place - LLP "Central Market", Aktobe

3rd place - LLP "Abdimanap" Kyzylorda region

Best mall, TD, complex, SRK

1st place - Administrative shopping center "Rakhmet”, Petropavlovsk, SKR

1st place - SEC “BatyrMall”, Pavlodar

2nd place - SRK "Aray" LLP "Nurnazarov"

2nd place - TRC "Switzerland" IE Bekturova, Almaty region, Tekeli

3rd place - TH "Zhansaya", Almaty region, District Enbekshikazakh

Best roadside service

1st place - LLP "Leader", Aktobe

2nd place - complex "Zhetysu", Almaty region, Eskeldi District

2nd place - restaurant "Azalea" Almaty region, Uighur District

3rd place - Restaurant "Kausar", Almaty region, Talgar district

Best foreign company

1st place - LLP "British American Tobacco Kazakhstan Trading", Almaty

2nd  place – LLP “Keryenplus”, Talgar, Almaty region

Best recreation area

1st place - LLP "Tilebay - baba" Taraz, Zhambyl region.

Best Manager of the Year

1st place - Abisheva Sholpan Kalmuhammedovna, director of the restaurant "Bambarbiya Kergudu", Almaty region

1st place - Lee Agafea Dune Hakovna, IE "Lad", Almaty region

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