
Unchildish problems of a kindergarten

- Pavlodar Region
8024 просмотров

The Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Pavlodar region will represent the interests of an aspiring entrepreneur Rizagul Tursunova in court

A business appealed to the Regional Chamber with a request to clarify the difficult situation.

Just over a year ago Rizagul Tursunova opened in Pavlodar a kindergarten for children aged between two to five years. A psychologist with 20 years of experience knew about the problem of placement of children at nurseries.

First were opened groups for 50 children, of which they have received the conclusion of the authorized bodies. Gradually expanded kindergarten, the number of babies has reached 150, so it became necessary to obtain a new SES conclusion.

To get the permission for expansion of nursery garden Rizagul Tursunova received a number of orders, but she didn’t get an authorization. The fact is that at the territory of the kindergarten, there are two playgrounds for the organization of children walking in the fresh air. Sanitary doctors demanded to install two more playgrounds before 1st of August. It is impossible to fulfill this condition now, as each playground costs more than one million tenge. Instead of the required permission, the businesswoman received a summons to court for failure to fulfill the SES requirements.

Experts of the Chamber provided legal support to Rizagul Tursunova. For comprehensive and objective consideration of the issue, at the site of the Chamber was organized a meeting of all interested parties, including invited representatives of education institutions. As a result of a constructive dialogue, consensus was reached and worked out joint actions on how to exit out of the current difficult situation.

To continue the work of children's educational center, the parties have come to an agreement on the preparation of sanitary-epidemiological conclusions separately on medical room and the food supply. As for the other pavilions, Rizagul Tursunova will provide a letter of guarantee of their installation at a time to suit both entrepreneurs and supervising SES body.

The Chamber of entrepreneurs will provide all around assistance to the owner of LLP "Igіlіk" Rizagul Tursunova at all stages of processing permits, including representation of interests in court.

This is an example, when state authorities impose excessive demands on business. This was discussed at the recent expanded board meeting at the prosecutor's office. According to NCE RK "Atameken", more than 28 thousand claims are currently imposed on entrepreneurs.

"Atameken" has started work on the audit of requirements, requirements in the sphere of sanitary and epidemiological surveillance will be analyzed in 2016 (63 Sanitary and epidemiological rules, which contain about 10 thousand requirements for entrepreneurs) and fire safety (more than 3 million claims).

In total 19 sanitary and epidemiological rules and 17 checklists were analyzed, it was suggested to eliminate 3663 or 80% requirements from the 4562 checklist.

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