
Small and medium enterprises will always get help

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The Committee for the Development of Small and Medium Business of NCE RK "Atameken" held its final meeting in the videoconference mode

The meeting was attended by Committee members from the cities of Almaty and Karaganda, as well as representatives of the leading associations of small and medium-sized businesses and industry associations, accredited by NCE.

Deputy Chairman of the Board of NCE RK "Atameken" Nurzhan Altaev briefed participants on the priority areas of work of NCE according to the Development Strategy for 2016-2018.

“Strategic priorities of "Atameken" are, firstly, to protect the rights and lawful interests of business entities. So, since October 2013 NCE received about 16 thousand appeals. Of these, about 6 thousand are in 2016. Most complaints are related to tax issues, land relations, procurement and disputes between businesses. More than 40% of these complaints were resolved positively. As a result, the total amount of protected property rights amounted to 41.7 billion tenge.

Secondly, improving the business environment. Namely resolving problems set forth in the registry of problems. Of 438 questions - 285 (or 65%) are solved. By the way, the largest number of problematic issues falls on construction, transport, logistics and communications, as well as medical and pharmaceutical industry.

Thirdly, to ensure the availability of finances, infrastructure and markets. Within the framework of the Unified program "Roadmap of business 2020" in addition to 200 billion tenge allocated for increasing working capital and refinancing of current liabilities of SMEs. The marginal subsidy rate was increased from 14% to 19% per annum. In addition, there were removed restrictions on the industry subsidizing of the interest rate on the new micro-credits, issued for projects to small businesses in rural areas, small cities and company towns".

They also discussed the work plan of the Committee for SME Development in 2017. The following year, the Committee intends to work on three fundamental areas - blocks. In the first block - infrastructure issues, such as non-financial support to entrepreneurs within the RMB-2020, etc. In the second -administrative matters (tax system, tax audits, etc.). In the third block - economic issues (state program of development of business, finance and other businesses).

They also heard reports of the Association of Security Organizations of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Kazakhstani Association of preschool institutions to work towards the implementation of the functions of NCE RK "Atameken", and presented a work plan of the above associations for 2017.


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