
Asylbek Dzhakiyev: "Goals are set. Our task for the future – is qualitative performance"

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All tasks, voiced in the Address of the Head of State, are a priority for NCE "Atameken" and regional chambers of entrepreneurs

The implementation of the tasks outlined in the President's Address "The third modernization of Kazakhstan: global competitiveness" raise domestic entrepreneurship to a new level of development. I am confident that the business community of the Atyrau region is encouraged by the Address of the President and is ready to take an active part in the implementation of tasks. This opinion was expressed by Director of the Chamber of entrepreneurs of Atyrau region Asylbek Dzhakiyev.

According to him, in the performance of these tasks, the significant role is attributed to the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs "Atameken".

"The program of productive employment and the development of mass entrepreneurship, reduction of administrative barriers, improving conditions for doing business in the region, the development of an export strategy, the development of the agro-industrial sector of Kazakhstan. These tasks are a priority in the activities of NCE "Atameken" and regional chambers of entrepreneurs. We will intensify work in this direction in order to have time to perform all the tasks on time", - said Asylbek Dzhakiyev.

In turn, the head of the Chamber said that in 2016 RCE received 198 applications from entrepreneurs within the line of the protection of business, more than half of them were resolved in favor of business. It was possible to cut financial costs for businesses in the amount of more than 1.4 billion tenge. The experts of the Chamber represented in the courts the interests of the 11 entrepreneurs, of which in five cases, the court made rulings in favor of businesses, including 1 positive decision of the Supreme Court.

Since the beginning of the year 7 administrative barriers were identified at the national level, 3 of them are included in the Registry problems of NCE "Atameken" and 11 barriers of local level, 9 of them were resolved positively by state bodies, 2 - are under consideration. Chamber conducted 173 expert examination of normative and legal acts, including 6 regulations with comments.
One of the significant achievements of the regional chamber of entrepreneurs over the past two years was the abolition of 100% prepayment for electricity throughout the region for subjects of small business, as well as for gas Zhylyoi district. And this work will be continued in respect of other monopolists.

In the city and in all areas of the region there were established and operate business support centers. Over the past year 2928 people used the services of the Business Support Centre. As part of the service support for existing business 1 208 small and medium-sized enterprises received 2693 services. Over 8 thousand consultations were issued on measures of state support for business.

In addition, 614 people were trained under the program "Business Advisor", - 110 people under the project "Business Growth", and 53 people - under the project "Project Learning". 39 entrepreneurs were trained within the framework of the project "Business Communication" as a part of the first stage. 2 entrepreneurs will participate in the second stage of training in Germany. 40 young people have been trained within the framework of the project "School of the young entrepreneur".

RCE also conducts active work on attraction of investments and development of foreign trade. In the three years since the establishment of the Chamber there was organized a variety of business - missions to the cities of the Russian Federation, China, Republic of Udmurtia, Russia, UAE and others.
Since 2015 RCE of Atyrau region provides full support to entrepreneurs on the field in the pre-qualification system SEOI of LLP "Tengizchevroil". Today, 68 companies of the region were registered with the support of RCE.

Through the agro-industrial complex in the Atyrau region, today the Chamber of entrepreneurs is represented in all the Interdepartmental Commissions for consideration of subsidies in different directions of subsidies.
Together with LLP "SWRIAP" (Southwest Research Institute of Animal and Plant) is being developed a farming system in Atyrau region in modern conditions, at this time the project is nearing its completion.

The program "Zhaylau" was also designed to meet the conditions of Atyrau region, a proposal was made to Akimat of Atyrau region. This program provides sheep as a commodity loan without collateral. At the moment the project is under consideration.
"The objectives articulated in the President's address demonstrate what big responsibility the President of the country puts the business community, at the same time he gives the task it to the Government and local executive bodies - to create all conditions for a comfortable business development. Undoubtedly, all of this together will create the necessary conditions for achieving the voiced objectives", - concluded Asylbek Dzhakiyev.


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