
When mother – is a businesswoman!

- Zhambyl Region
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To open a favourite business and to bring benefit
What business idea can a woman with an active lifestyle implement in life, perfectly combining family, work and social activities? Of course, a business that she knows well, in which she is like a fish in water. Akmaral Eralieva decided so - a member of the board of the Council of Businesswomen, Director of the branch of JSC "Halyk Life”, having decided to realize her dream. Recently in Taraz was held a grand opening of the Center for Child Development, where children helped to develop the talents and abilities.

Akmaral Eralieva approached the establishment of the Centre with all seriousness, as a mom, knowing how important it is that the child has the opportunity to develop and to grow properly, to help him discover the best in himself, to develop his or her talents and to gain new knowledge and skills in the modern world. Therefore we chose the best technique to be used when working with children - N. Zaytseva, G. Domana, Dienes and M. Montessori.

If we talk about Mary Montesorri system, now this pedagogical system – is one of the most popular in many countries around the world. The Montessori system is significantly different from traditional pedagogy. Firstly, it concerns the relationship to the child as a unique and inimitable personality, with its own development plan, methods and timing of the development of the world. The second – is the role of the teacher. The main place in the Montessori system belongs to the child and the teacher is an only assistant, whose task is to teach to work correctly with the material, as well as to observe the achievements of the kid. And this gives the freedom of choice for a toddler: he or she is free to move at their own pace. Therefore, at the Development Center of children will not sit at their desks, looking at proudly speaking tutor. Here, everyone is busy with their work, sitting on a rug or a table.

In addition, according to the principle of making a group, consisting of different ages, older children will help the younger, which, in turn, has a caring attitude to people around and the climate in the group adapts to the family one. In the center the groups are divided into several zones, and are filled with a variety of teaching aids. For example, in the mathematical area there are counting frames, wooden planks with calculation examples, sets of figures that give an idea of ​​fractions. The sensor zone – has items that vary by shape, size, color, and weight for the development of motor skills of children’s hands and fingers, tactile sensations, as well as memory and attention. In the language area a child can find materials, intended for study of letters and syllables, vocabulary. Practical Zone helps children to acquire elementary household skills - learn how to sweep the floor, how to brush with a shovel, buttoning and unbuttoning of buttons of different size, dress and undress the dolls.

"The center accepts children from 3 to 6 years old, there are several groups - you can study until noon, in the morning or after lunch, and you can be there all day. Training is held in three languages ​​- Kazakh, Russian and English, and in the future we plan to open the training group entirely in English. In addition, there is an office for older children, where students of junior and senior classes are trained in such subjects as mathematics, Kazakh, Russian, English and preparation for admission to educational institutions, like Daryn School, Nazarbayev Intellectual School, Kazakh- Turkish Lyceum. According to Akmaral Eralieva, training in speed reading, oratory is all carried out at a high level in the center.

 We have qualified teaching staff, psychologists, who will be able to find an approach to every child. Nutrition is balanced, healthy, our child can choose what they want to eat and in what quantity. Minutes of relaxation, when a child can lie on the floor on soft cushions, relax, children do healthy gymnastics, dance, involve in role plays in fairy tales, and engage in all kinds of applied creativity".

Karlygash Aralbekova, the Chairman of the Council of Businesswomen of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Zhambyl Region noted that with the establishment of the Council of Businesswomen of NCE RK "Atameken", members of which are women in business, the number of opening enterprises is growing in the region, which are managed by women. The Council Businesswomen helps those, who dream of starting their own business and implementing business ideas at all stages of the opening.
"I am sure that Taraz residents will like the Center opened by our colleague, which is supported by the Council of Businesswomen. Here everything is aimed at the development of children! We sincerely congratulate her on the excellent undertaking! "- she said.

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