
Nurlan Nigmatulin MPs of Mazhilis and "Atameken" contribute to resolving the most significant issues of business

- City of Astana
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Chairman of Mazhilis stressed the importance of effective use of state support for business

The Chairman of the Mazhilis of the Parliament of RK Nurlan Nigmatulin shared his opinion on further cooperation with NCE RK "Atameken" today, speaking at the enlarged meeting of the faction of the party "Nur Otan" in the Mazhilis on the topic: "Development of entrepreneurship in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Current challenges and prospects".

"Cardinal improvement and expansion of the business environment are one of the most important priorities in the address of the Head of the State "Third modernization of Kazakhstan: global competitiveness". And we - the deputies of the Mazhilis, members of the faction of the party "Nur Otan", the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs "Atameken" together with the Government should ensure the successful fulfillment of all tasks set by the President of the country", - said the Speaker of the Mazhilis.

Nurlan Nigmatulin stressed the existing positive experience of joint work of the deputy corps and entrepreneurship, in particular, in the work on draft laws on local self-government, as well as on the issues of electric power.

According to N.Nigmatulin, this allowed us to find a legal mechanism, the application of which will allow us to solve the task of enlarging energy transmission organizations and, accordingly, reducing the tariff for electricity, both for entrepreneurs and for the population.

"Thus, the deputies of the Mazhilis and the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs contribute to reducing the cost of services in the energy sector. But this is one of the most significant costs for business. I think that such constructive interaction between the deputies and the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs should be supported and further developed in other areas", said N. Nigmatulin.

At the same time N. Nigmatulin focused on the importance of effective use of state support for business development.

"Unfortunately, there are cases when careless officials use state support of business for personal purposes, provide preferences, lobby certain companies, which is a direct manifestation of corruption. Of course, state support contributes to the development of domestic production and increases the share of local content.

However, as a result of such interference, there is also such a "business" that can exist only in the so-called "greenhouse conditions" of government contracts and state orders, losing their competitiveness rapidly. Therefore, we need to provide direct support to business rather than create favorable conditions for its development. We need to work together to build a truly partnership between the state and business, when state support is effective, and business is competitive", - added the Chairman of the Mazhilis.

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